Tuesday, June 30, 2015



Anonymous said...

I can tell by all the mowing and trimming that Aramark big wigs are coming! Sure enough, they will be here Wednesday. This shows me the crew knows how to do the work and are able to do the work, must be that no one supervises them!

Anonymous said...

Ya think!!!!!

Bud Sherry said...

anon from 3-27 9:39 am item 3.. who the h--- are you to question how we gathered the $ 11529 to donate to cancer research or to which research organization we may have donated to ??? You obviously did not donate so of what concern is this to you? you have commented on this subject previously and you did not make any sense then just as you have not now!! If you would want to be considered a reasonable commenter put your d--n name on your post !! or just shut the h--- up!!!

Anonymous said...

Bud, I heard about that post and had to go find it. To whoever wrote that dribble--what an IDIOT! "Alleged" money that was raised--how dare anonymous question the good work that was done. Of course it didn't cost the Village anything...just another jab at golfers! Some people assume the worst, because that's what they would do.

Bud said...

well it seems the commenter was eighty sixed from the golf so anything positive coming from the golfers is fodder for her shot-gun

Anonymous said...

Today, may I be open to others' ideas and beliefs,
respectful of our differences, not threatened by them.
May I grow in understanding of my own motives,
knowing that people often act out of their own fears.
May I be a force for replacing fear with insight,
helping us all to be patient and kind as we talk.
Strength, real strength, can always find compromise,
working together, may we find a common ground,
enable us to move forward with a shared purpose.
May we see what is truly important and unites us,
focusing on that, to banish road blocks of ego and fear,
today, may I be open to others' ideas and beliefs

Bud said...

well said ! why not reveal yourself so people can thank you for your insight?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bud, I hope it helps you as you clearly need help. I have noticed your constant demands of people on this blog to identify themselves, not everyone needs constant recognition. And I don't know why you need to have people identify themselves as you seem to know who wrote everything, or is that just more of your assumptions, I know for a FACT you are OFTEN wrong, you are a very negative force in the community and should look to your own behavior during this season of repentance and not continue to lie about others. May you find peace and healing.

Anonymous said...

Someone "does" need help....and someone "is" a very negative force in this community....but that someone is NOT Bud.

Bud said...

re April 2, 7:35 am

what is it exactly you feel guilty about, not identifying yourself or not getting recognition ? you have appointed yourself a committee of one to declare me a negative force in the community ?? the only reason you insist upon remaining anon, as evidenced by this latest ranting, is so you will not have to face anyone and legitimize your comments. even if you do it anon go back thru my posts and find and make note of here, one instance where I named a person that I LIED about, how can I name you or any other anon poster. I have peace knowing that I have and will continue to make this place better.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody die ? I haven't read any long winded, mean spirited ,self serving , comments in weeks.

Anonymous said...

With the news today that Mary has sold her place, who will the board appoint? It should be offered to the next closet vote receiver--that would be Joey. I hope they decide to listen to the voters, but my guess is they will skip him and appoint Chapa! This is the worst board we have EVER had!

Bud said...

Joey, what is the latest on the PROJECT?

Joey said...

36 piles of limestone delivered as of 2pm today. That's all I know Bud.

Bud said...

what is the significance of the date at the top of this comment box ??

Joey said...

Position of the suggestion box. Since this post is read the most I advance the date so as to keep it normally at the top or first posted subject.

Anonymous said...

I was watching channel 37 a few weeks ago and saw a group of "heavyset" men wearing "T" shirts with some kind of white buttons with a elephant in it on the front and the lettering "unionites" on the back. This took place in north west Illinois. At first my Gaydar was starting to chirp, then as the clip went on there where much younger females doing all the work. The males stand there and drank "busch lite" beer! Because of the winds they where cleaning up.
I'm not gay but the larger ones where "cute"
Channel 37 tells the truth!

Anonymous said...

This is a test, I'm having trouble getting in the blog!

Anonymous said...

Suggestion: to Pest Control Company (another friend of the Directors):
Either do the job right or leave and refund LIV
You promise to take care of bug infestations as needed... and you are failing miserably, you let it go so bad this time that the entire park is infested with mosquitoes "your plan to wait for a Cold front to save you the pesticide expense is not working out" people are having to play golf at Brownsville Clubs due to this nuisance (LIV monies loss) ... and spraying once won't cut it either as that will only kill the mosquitos and not the larvae that is hatching every day and it will for the next few weeks...
LIV nobody's land.

Anonymous said...

Sunday no rain
Today no rain
Tuesday will be dry...
What is the excuse now Esparzas?

30,000 USD plus paid for your quasi-services ... and you are laughing all the way to the bank.
Thanks BOD another great decision.

Activities center and Bingo parlor roofs leaking...
Gym with big window full of black mold (Stachybotris = extremely harmful) wall rotten at the base for months now
Roof repair billed at 50,000 and 30,000 USD
Contractor laughing all the way to the Bank...

Thanks again BOD