Thursday, July 24, 2014


At July’s Regular Meeting I was the only one who signed up for the owners speaking on agenda items. I was allowed three minutes to read the following statement about the Board’s Executive Session.
To paraphrase, the Executive Meeting is again under the guise of Personnel and Legal issues. May I read a few questions and get a response? After being told you have three minutes, I continued.
First, are these legal issues addressing pending litigation? If not, wouldn’t they conflict with the state statute 82.108 of the Condominium Act?
Second, as I read this statute, it allows just six discussion categories during Executive Meetings and broad-based legal issues are not among them, only pending litigation. It also demands an announcement in open session of the general nature of business on the topics within each allowable category and I don’t see this happening?
Finally I wish to point out that although the Board is permitted to consider actions during an Executive Session, they’re not allowed to take action."
President Guerra's response was we’ll take that into "consideration.
At the end of the regular meeting the Board continued to do as they have done before. With apparent impunity they went into this scheduled Executive Meeting without disclosing to we the owners the general nature of business that was to be discussed.
Over an hour later they resumed the Regular meeting and announced that they had discussed two items under legal issues and passed motions on both. The first was to reallocate $120,000 from the infrastructure fund at IBC bank to purchase a CD at Lone Star bank in order to act as collateral for an Appeals Fund. The second  was to secure $120,000 from LIV’s investment in the Edward Jones account and deposit $100,000 of that at Lone Star bank to purchase a CD and transfer $20,000 into LIV’s Operative Fund. 
This seemed totally out of order and made me understand what kind of consideration this Board had towards me and the owners of LIV. The picture above will describe it.


Anonymous said...

It's about time that somebody said something about this board's secret and illegal meetings. This board has been the worse to abuse the executive meeting format and they should at least tell owners what they are discussing. Simply they should lead by example if they are so bent on making all the other owners follow the rules.

Anonymous said...

It appears the BOD are too frightened to make others obey the rules and hide in Executive session so no one knows what they are really doing. What is the big secrecy about???? WE own the Village!! If you do not have the backbone to stand up for your views and enforce our rules, bylaws and declarations, PLEASE resign and let others who do, do so. OR place ALL issues on the website for owners to vote on and enforce the will of the people as long as it does not conflict with our governing body and if those need to be changed to reflect the population of the Village, have a method to do so. Those rules were made for a very good reason and if you have not been here full time for a long time you can not be expected to understand all of them in a few years. SO, respect our history until you know it and do not make us waste time looking for ways to persuade you to comply. Many are beginning to change their mind about planning full time retirement in our Village because there is an ever increasing self serving attitude running rampart in our community. Break the rules, kiss up to the building committee and do what ever you want, grease the palms of employees and use them for your own needs. The BOD and everyone KNOWS this is happening, that is why you will see an increasing DIS- respect for owners who speak up as Joey so elegantly and intelligently described. We have seen it in meetings: the smirking, laughing and snarky remarks of Directors while owners are seeking resolution or information on issues that go unresolved. It is their way of driving people from meetings and caring about the community. It is so clear that people would obey the rules if they were held accountable but the BOD is the only power (aside from a law suit) that can do this here and they seem unwilling to do so. It is a sad time for the Village! Sorry Joey for the manner in which you feel you were treated but please do not stop your valuable contribution to the Village, the powers that be are only trying to quite your voice. WE NEED A VILLAGE VOICE!!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU JOEY! Don't let them quite your voice. We who aren't there need a voice We are coming back soon. JOEY WE NEED YOU.

Anonymous said...

Joey, keep up the good work and keep the pressure on. If the BOD has no agenda issues except how to spend our money, here is a punch list:
>Close the Pro shop, not more then a few people are using it and we are loosing $
>Close the indoor Grill, same reason as above
>Fine offenders
>Post offenses on owners website on a weekly basis as someone had suggested, WE DESERVE to KNOW and Protect ourselves and property!!!
>Stop the summer terrorists
>Take back the rentals, it is OUR right!
>Before we change the rules and building codes, enforce what we have, it is only causing problems for our infrastructure and among neighbors-look at the news, wars abound over land, we are a VERY small land space and continually pushing the limits on our common property- Stop it!
>Enforce the Rules!
>Enforce the Rules
>Enforce the rules
>No special interests, we are all equal, make it happen Directors! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

AMEN to the above list- why are we wasting $ we need for lawsuits and infrastructure. All this secrecy on the part of the BOD is VERY suspicious, WE WANT TRANSPARENCY!! What are you up to that you don't want all of us to know?????