Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Bud Sherry said...

what is the town meeting I am hearing about with cowen ? when will it be held? is the board communicating about it?

Joey said...

The LIV website says TOWN HALL MEETING

AUGUST 9, 2014 REC. HALL 9:30 AM
It is to update folks on the Cowen lawsuit. I unfortunately won't be able to attend but will try to find out what was said.

Bud said...

is it a mtg with cowen or with the atty we are working with?

Joey said...

Bud, I doubt that Cowen will never again have an open session with the people of LIV after the way he was treated the last time and I'm sure that it would be advertised big time if he was going to do so. There was nothing said at the last open meeting about this so I suspect that it's going to be something new and the lawyer probably will be the one who tells us.

Anonymous said...

As usual, it is all a big secret and even though we have a website it is not being used to keep us better informed. The BOD authorized all that $ for it and STILL we live in a VOID of current info!

Philip Parkinson said...

Bud, I was in LIV on August 9 to check on progress of my house construction and was able to attend the Town Hall meeting. The attorney, about half the Board, and maybe 50 owners attended. We learned that the attorneys for Cowen had amended their pleadings a while back to include a claim of an express easement to use Sea Shell Blvd. and LIV utilities based on a reservation of these rights in a 1978 Development Agreement. They sought and were awarded a temporary injunction preventing LIV from interfering with their use of those rights. A copy of that award, and two pages of that Development Agreement were handed out. The attorney said that he would appeal the ruling while the matter proceeds to trial approximately one year from now. Many owners asked questions and made comments. The Board promised to put all the public documents, such as pleading, on the owners website and to put the upcoming Court calendar on the site so that owners can be better informed.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the current Board of Directors, as most have been kicking back for the summer they have been kicking the butts of the opportunists, bullies and scammers in LIV. They have proven to be remarkable in tackling the difficult issues that have hung over our heads and fearlessly gone where others have feared to go. Check the website for details on pending lawsuits, 2 by some of your neighbors, the Smiths, Charles E and Betty M and Berry, you can read all the details now, TRANSPARENCY at Last! Thank You BOD! And now when you hear these self serving folk critizing others who are trying to protect our community you will turn a deaf ear knowing all their actions are self serving. Pull the end of the string on these folk who volunteer for everything and often you will find the true motivation-their own self interest and promotion for their business or to control others. I hope those self serving people will no longer be voted to serve on the BOD, we need more people like most of the current BOD who care about the greater good of the greater number and equality for all. Shockingly even the 2 BOD members who have been totally off base in their thinking voted to STOP 3rd party rentals to the great dismay of those people they have previously supported. I have hope that it is a new day for the village and right will prevail, keep up the GREAT work BOD.

Anonymous said...

As an owner I feel you have your right to your own opinion. My opinion is somewhat different about our current board. I see several directors never coming to the Coffee meetings to hear owners on issues. I see the Smith lawsuit perhaps justifiable and Berry’s info doesn’t come up on our Village website. The transparency you speak of, is that the secret meetings this board is having under the cloak of executive order? What is this board tackling that past boards haven’t, the rules maybe? Well good luck with that since they themselves have problems following them. The end of your statement seems clear your animosity towards some previous directors and you’re allowed that, the same as your opinion even if it is somewhat misguided.

Anonymous said...

First I want to say , Thank You to the wonderful volunteers of LIV ! The library,golf course, swimming pool, common areas and tennis courts make this a better place to live. It' s bad enough that we sometimes forget to thank you for your selfless work ,but I must say condemning or accusing volunteers is pathetic and evil. LIV is full of good people with good hearts. Please don't run them off.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the BOD is trying to enforce the rules that other BOD Directors bent to fit their own greedy needs and they are doing a good job. Seems like the comment above that implies that enforcing the rules is a small action, is from one of the rule breakers.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a comment from the "masters of spin" who tried to convince everyone they took the rental biz from the owners as an act of community service! No one that I can see condemned or accused the good volunteers who do their good deeds without personal gain, as I see it the comment was directed to those individuals who volunteer (and make sure everyone knows it, "we raised so much $ ") to get biz for their opportunist ventures, contact list, etc. Nice try but I doubt many bought it! It's a new age of TRANSPARENCY!

Anonymous said...

What’s so transparent is that you have a problem with the McBride’s, the Smith’s, and the Berry’s. Face it, this current board may mean well but it is still a joke. Everyone knows it but you. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

And you seem hell bent on protecting the greedy interests of those who see LIV as easy pickings possibly because you are one of them and unhappy with the current board who has shut down some of the illegal activities that have gone on since certain people got on the board and as a BOD member said at a recent meeting, "It doesn't matter who was on the board and gained from the 3rd party rental what's now important is to take that business back". We sure could use all the $ those people and lawsuits have used up to pay for the bridge and parking lot. It is $ out of all the owner's pockets and the constant breaking of rules uses way too much time that the BOD could use for bettering the community. If those people need $, go somewhere and get a job instead of doing a "job" on their neighbors and community. You need to do a bit of soul searching, I have no personal gain in supporting the board as they try to help the village, what is your personal gain in supporting those opportunists?

Anonymous said...

Looks like I struck a nerve. As some people do in today’s society when being confronted with the simple truth, they attack as you have done the truth teller. You are the one who started this conversation by slamming people with your opinion and now want to attack those who dare voice a different one. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

Reread what you wrote and take your own advise! You have tried to defend people who spend their time slamming the board, people who speak out against wrongdoers and those trying to bully people- I repeat, time for soul searching on your part, I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Please read what I said. I defended no one. I’ve said you have a right to your opinion while my opinion is the current board is a joke and question this transparency you claim. I’ve said the Smith’s lawsuit might be justifiable while the Berry’s lawsuit info is unavailable, and that you come across with some apparent vendetta against those two along with the McBride’s. You need to stop using this straw man who is somehow defending somebody. Pray for me all you want but get over your problem that the only opinion that matters is yours. Again, grow up.

Joey said...
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Joey said...

I removed what I thought was the Village Voice posting info because it scattered throughout the suggestion box. I tried to copy and reposted it, then found out it wasn't from the Village Voice. I removed it and will be monitoring future misrepresentations.

Bud said...

I try to monitor the rainfall from here but do not get any info on the falcon res. have you seen any significant depth increase in the news there?