Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coffee is your meeting, the Workshop is ours?

The first “Coffee with the Directors” that touted the four newly elected Directors started innocently enough; after all, V.P. Pelletier, Treasurer Steffensen, and Director Guerra have served the owners before while Director Vasquez has not.
After the Pledge of Allegiance V.P. Pelletier read comments from the box that covered putting white rocks in the outdoor pool island, pleas to fix a treadmill, praise for cleaning a shower, complaints about piling fill rock on the basketball court and finished with having too loud of music in our pool area.
V.P. Pelletier went around the table to get the Director concerns. Only Directors Gunderson (pool furniture) and McBride (security admittance issue) spoke while the other Directors opted to voice their issues at the Workshop which follows the Coffee.
It was the owners turn to speak. Lot 638 had numerous questions about the costs in Aramark’s financial pages handed out at the Annual Meeting. After the Directors could not properly address these concerns Director Vasquez asked the owner to put these questions in writing and he would have it as an agenda item and answer them at next week’s Regular Meeting.
There were the usual complaints about security, and then the owners in the audience were told there would be a ten minute break before the Workshop.
To the twenty or so owners who stayed when the Board reconvened, they were surprised when told they would not be privy to the Workshop. When an owner asked why, Director Vasquez said the Coffee is your meeting and the Workshop is ours. Director Gunderson who appeared as surprised as anyone wanted it on the record that she was not in favor of this closed to the owner’s action. There will be a follow up to this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Albert Einstein said something like "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".
If we keep electing the same old tired re-treads to the board why do we expect things to change.
We could do as well if we used a lottery to select our representatives.