Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 27, 2013 Regular Board Meeting

After Bud Sherry recited the Pledge of Allegiance our Board accepted Board Kelmis’ resignation and replaced him with this year’s unelected candidate Richard Ramirez. Next the Board let Carlos Galvan Jr. from the Water District give highlights about area water restrictions. This eventually evolved in a Q&A with our management and owners. Our GM gave a convincing power point presentation answering the nine questions brought up by the owner from lot 638 at last week’s Coffee Meeting.
The lot 145 owner was limited to three minutes in talking his disapproval about last week’s Workshop being closed to the public. He received no initial response from the Board. Director Gunderson did bring this up at the end of the meeting citing on the side of the owner.
The President seemed to indicate that dredging may be near.
The normal stuff was express by Management on their jobs for the month. Condo fee arrears for this month were $28,325, a $16,254 improvement from the previous month. Director Vasquez made it clear that owners who do not pay their assessment should be punished severely.
There were motions approved on the Organizational and February’s Minutes. This was the first time in over a year that the month of the Minutes was recognized.
In the Treasurer Report we heard that the pool chemicals are out for bids. $31K leftover from last year will now go into a separate bank fund towards our infrastructure needs. The first quarter update seemed to indicate our Village has not spent enough money ($32625) which later ($30500) was spent on five approved motions for three golf carts, tennis court fence repair, a new fence to hide letter lot eye sores, security gate lift masters, and a new Green Master to cut the golf course greens.
The Directors recently assigned to committees were Directors Gunderson to D and E, Steffensen to Pool, McBride to Safety, Pelletier to Building, Vasquez/Steffensen to Finances, and McBride to Golf. The Bridge Board Reported their Annual meeting will be April 6th at 9am. Two motions approved the same two people to fill the Bridge Board position vacancies.
In New Business the Board approved our GM to try to get from the Water District a lower water rate and a variance on when to water the Golf Course. They also passed a motion to spend $1999 on a treadmill. A motion was approved on a twelve month Board Meeting schedule, after which VP Pelletier questioned a one month reprieve (August). The consensus with Director Vasquez expressing most adamantly that this Board was elected to serve twelve months Director Vasquez’s sympathy card for deceased owners was tabled until a true cost could be ascertained.
On “Other” items, there was a push by Director Gunderson to replace the Village Newsletter by posting its info onto the new LIV website. Her reasoning was that the info would come sooner to the owners.
The Board went into an Executive Meeting to cover nine items. Attorney orientation, employees using amenities, Manager’s office, Security expectations, Security passes, Obama-care healthcare letter to Aramark, Manager’s job description, Manager’s evaluation/time period, and Manager’s usage of credit card.


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