Friday, January 25, 2013


Many on the Board wish to discontinue using bath houses one and three. Doing so would save our Village over $40,000 this year and tens of thousands each year thereafter. The major objection seems about having a close place for renters and construction workers to use a bathroom and of course there were the usual threats of lawsuits.
To my knowledge previous Boards have never ratified any substantial addition or a material alteration to a common element but now it seems appropriate. Why? 
Though the Board's intention seems pure I believe their decision on the USE of a common element doesn’t merit ratification and here's why.
Article X in our Declaration makes no mention towards the USE of common elements, just that “there shall be no material alterations or substantial additions to the Common Elements” unless approved by the board and ratified by the owners.
It is mentioned in DIRECTORS POWERS AND DUTIES, Article IV, Section 10 of the Bylaws which state “such powers shall specifically include, but shall not be limited to, the following: Section D “To make and amend regulations respecting the operation and USE of the Common Elements.” Therefore one is left to believe the elected Board have exclusive power to change the USE of these bathhouses without ratification from owners. However when the Board decides to materially alter the bath houses, such as tear them down or remodel into other than a bath house, then they would need to seek ratification.
My suggestion is to close only bath house number one since it is a short distance from the Rec. Center bathrooms and would save the bulk of the cost savings the Board desires. Later if it feels right, do bath house three in the same fashion.


Anonymous said...

Why would a renter have to use them.If they rent a lot for a rv they have there own & if they rent one of our existing places the have one. As for construction workers have them bring in a port-a-potty

Anonymous said...

You are overlooking the summertime weekenders where we have 3-4 families staying in one unit with only one bathroom. How would they manage without the bath houses?

Anonymous said...

That's their problem. Let them rent separate units - I don't think we are supposed to have 3-4 families in one unit anyway Why should we pay $40,000.00 for their convenience when if they are renting from any owner or agent, we get nothing in return.

Anonymous said...

I am not here in the summer but if I were and I saw 3 -4 families in one unit I would call security. our bylaws strictly forbid that !!!

Anonymous said...

Our Declaration strictly forbids anyone renting through anyone but our rental office too but that's not enforced, making non-renting owners left to subsidize this office. So why enforce three or four families. What actually happens is that one or two families are logged as staying, then invite one or two other families who park their cars at the welcome center to party with them and then they stay overnight.

Anonymous said...

There should not be more than 6 people staying in a house in LIV. The size of our houses are not meant to accomodate more than that. It is time to enforce our rules or abolish all of them and let things run amok.We Are tired of paying through the nose for all the nonsense going on in the

Anonymous said...

1. We need to know WHO TO CALL to report when we see more than 8 (that's the rules) in any one unit at any time.
2. The Board needs to establish WHAT TO DO in the event that these calls come in. Eviction? Fines?
3. I am sick and tired of seeing construction people in the Village before light, or after dark, using our bath house facilites! Don't they have showers at home? Why are they cleaning up on OUR dime???


Anonymous said...

Someone needs a hug!