Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Board Meeting March 23, 2011

President Montalvo spoke on Village insurance deductibles which are now $50,000 per lawsuit and indicated our Village has spent $150,000 in lawsuit deductibles so far this year. This has already exceeded what was budgeted for 2011. He expressed the Board’s need to work smarter than the previous one in solving problems before they get out of hand and become a litigation issue.
President Montalvo tried to put to rest the cost concerns many owners fear from initiating this new Election Confirmation Committee having everyone’s favorites Reta Priest and Catherine Demalade as members. President Montalvo did say anyone who wishes to contest future elections must put their money where their mouth is with providing the Village a retainer to cover any cost.
Rick Horner (GM) said there were 88 work orders and 5 building permits. The late condo fees amounted to $25,124, a $37.091 improvement from the previous month. He’s still trying to resolve the ADP power surge that toasted three lift station pumps.
The Board approved Organizational Minutes and the treasurer’s report seemed to be the usual.
The Last Call band played last Saturday at the Rec. Hall and the 2011 pool wristbands will be available April 15th. President Montalvo asked when owners see any pool violations to please contact Security instead of trying to police it themselves and Vice President McBride asked for all owners to attend his Safety Meeting this Wednesday at 9am.
Treasurer Steffensen said her March 16th Cowan Lawsuit mediation resulted in the needing of additional discovery of pre-1985 sea cottage deeds.
Only one bid ($8,000) was able to be obtained to do three lift station relief valves and that was approved by the Board.
Dredging decisions were put on hold due to the recent dredging lawsuit, but the Board is getting the ball rolling at renewing their dredging permit.
A person disrupted the proceedings saying he had filed a lawsuit against the Board and about thirty other defendants. His additional comments were drowned out by the Board President’s calls of him being out of order. After that brief interruption the Board approved to keep the schedule the same as the previous year. There was an interesting comment expressed during the discussion of the schedule in that it was not necessary for owners to become involved with changing the Bylaws on director absenteeism or to add new policy to the Bylaws for director term limits.
After the Board approved Selba Campbell and Richard Lothe to the Bridge Board, Mr. Freeland’s son was also approved to take the place Mr. Freeland who was said to have a permanent Bridge Board position.
Election contesters Reta Priest and Catherine Demalade said no when asked to bear whatever costs this new Election Confirmation Committee might generate. Demalade said it is not just us who are questioning this election, but a lot of people and added she just wanted to represent those who might cause a lawsuit. Demalade finally said if she asked the Village attorney a question which caused a cost, she would pay for it, but then said she did not see a need for a lawyer to be present at Monday’s committee meeting. Reta Priest said if she had a legal question to asked, the answer won’t come from Ramona (the Village attorney).
In a nutshell, these two have a list of demands and our new Board seems to be going out of their way to accommodate them. We’ll see what this March 28th get together does to improve our Village.
There was a long discussion about the old building committee’s updates that spurred a new Building Committee to be approved along with another committee that would consistently update the Village website.
Pat Burke’s old protocol that said only the President may make contact the Village attorney has been changed. The new procedure is that all Board members may contact the attorney, but must let the President know of the contact, and owners may contact the Village atotorney upon Board approval.
Recreation Hall roof repair bids were Owen Roofing $59,640, TSMC $72,480+, and South Texas Roofing for $76,950 and will now be reviewed by the Board.
There was Executive Meeting called pertaining to this person who interrupted the meeting.

Your comment?


Anonymous said...

Re: "person who disrupted"...

It is reported that, at the Board meeting, the Sheriff was called and a report was put in the police file, but the Board decided not to pursue the "disturbing the peace" charge.

I hear the sound of "Kumbayah" wafting over LIV...

Anonymous said...

re:it is reported

I think you have it just a bit wrong. the sheriff was at the pro shop taking statements about that person alledgedly striking an employee

Anonymous said...

re: The new procedure is that all Board members may contact the attorney, but must let the President know of the contact, and owners may contact the Village atotorney upon Board approval.

Holy Crap! What kinda idjits are running this place now? Now all individual board members can contact the board's attorney to answer their individual questions and further their own agendas, as long as they let the President know? And now individual owners also? Better increase the annual legal budget by about $300,000 or more!

Anonymous said...

What's a idjit? Is it a jit with an ID?

Anonymous said...

An idjit must be a president or board member of LIV who approved of such a policy. Also includes anyone who asks "What's an idjit", Idjit of course, for idjits that don't get it, is simply a slang for idiots, kinda like kinda is for "kind of" - thanks for making my point for me!

Anonymous said...

Re:Holy Crap

First of all, the one reason why we are shelling out $50 an hour to Pat Burke is because she was privy to all and distributed little. A board member had to go to her residence to review the Cowen discovery info from the attorney.
This allows any board member to have attorney access, but the president can say no to that access when he feels it’s appropriate, such as a director’s personal pet project. As for the individual owner the Board must approve that. If anything this will reduce the possibility of new lawsuits while creating a better informed Board. I don’t know what an idjit is either.

Treehugger said...

re: Holy Crap:
Thank you for the water on the fire!
Now that the gruesome twosome have wasted a lot of our time with their very brief look at the election results (on computer which neither of them probably use beyond EMail) maybe we can get back to a semblance of "normal" at LIV.
When parties are reduced to a debate over some "idiotic" use of the English language we must be getting there!
The "list" that was to be turned in by last Friday, apparently did not appear. I wonder if the "You play, You pay" approach by Mr. Montalvo and the Board cooled some of the jets ahead of time!?
The best way, I see, to squelch this "crap" is to douse it when it appears with any and all means. Well done: Liz and the Election committee!

Anonymous said...

No one should be upset when someone questions our voting proses. In the end,no one can bluff when all the cards are face up.