Thursday, May 3, 2012



Anonymous said...

Joey thank you for this forum. I quess you can lead a horse to water but can't make em drink.
Having said that I want to try to offer some common sence ideas and hope they can be implimented by our Village to save us money.
1-Water use, Our water use is not only the basis of a water bill but that of a sewer bill.
Therefore by conserving water useage we can save a considerable amount of money on both.
How? Well by installing water saver devices to all Village common area water sources first, then by offering and installing free water saver devices to owners and requiring their use.
Offer classes given by volunteers on water conservation.
Lastly by enforcing the maxinum number of occupants in a residence. This will have a dramatic effect on not only water usage and sewer but garbage generated and ware and tear on our various ameneties.
2-Use of common bath houses by employees and outside contractors.
No resort that I know of allows employees or outside contractors to use owner/guest baths ect.
3-Grill- Close the grill it can't compete and will allways lose money.
4- Rental office- Close it and allow only licensed real estate agents to perform this service that requires professionalism and training.
As far as Aramark goes they only get away with what we let them get away with.
Think about it they must think we are stupid.
As far as management goes a week has 168 hours.
Our managers work 40 hours a week. that leaves 128 hours a week without management under our present system.
If we had the Manager work Mon thru Fri 7am to 4pm and the asst. Manager work a different 40 hours i.e Wed thru Fri from 3pm to 12mid and Sat and Sun 10am thru 7pm we would have 80 hours with quality supervision and not duplicate the same 40 hours and not a low paid security guard in charge.

Stay tuned for more.

Scott, Lot #28

Anonymous said...

"Grill- Close the grill it can't compete and will allways lose money."









Anonymous said...

Behind you all the way, Scott! Keep at it! Sometimes it is not "you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink"...sometimes it is "you can't see for forrest for the trees!"

Anonymous said...

It is the begining of Texas week here and our Village has added activity and problems with extra people and youths here probally more at nite time.

So I ask our BOD why is Manager Horner allowed to take Vacation during spring break. If he was here the ass or asst. manager Armando could be assigned to work evenings so that we would get more than an under $10 dollar an hour guard to be in charge at nite. Most of our problems are at nite.
This is not an attack on the BOD, lets look ahead and lets save money for the owners of LIV or at least MAXIMIZE our hard earned dollars spent by the BOD.

Anonymous said...

Joey it's 3/14/12 and I just ran into some pool players. As you know we have a nice pool room with many tables.
They told me that someone had deficated on a pool table!!!
A new low for LIV.
The monthly maintenance went up to $250.00 and for what.
One of the pool players is a year round owner here and he indicated that this is par for the course in the summer time. Out of control. Well the pool room will be locked from now on but why is there no management after 4pm Monday thru Friday and all weekend long.
If we need a management company why can't we have a duty manager in off hours? Sorry but security ain't cutting it. Again, Attn. BOD we know you read this blog so what are you going to do?
But don't worry we have new sod on the golf course.

Anonymous said...

shut up!!! Get a DNA of the TURD.. IT WOULD BE WORTH IT! still time to scrap the table!!

Anonymous said...

Shut Up
Thats what LIV is known for.. keep it quiet, don't talk about it and don't rock the boat...

It's time to NOT shut up.
The BOD MUST address several issues, two of which are the increase in dues to $250.00. Ok fine but what about the Grill,close it please. And the rental office, close it please.
Security has to be revamped. It is a sham. It's broken.
To the BOD: most all of us can understand a raise in the fee but you HAVE TO CUT the things that are bleeding us.
We need to look at all options for saving money.
This affects not only our bank accounts but the ability of owners to sell their homes and lots and hell it's just dam stupit for us to continue on the path we have been on for years and years.
We need people with BALLS on the BOD!!

Anonymous said...

03/15/12 at 2:50am and our Village watering system is on and the streets are wet from improperly aimed or installed sprinkler heads.
Another problem with a simple common sense fix.
Those in charge please have the security guards make notations regarding the sprinklers that are wasting water.
DONE it could save some money.
Not to blame the present BOD but these types of things can and must not continue to go unchecked!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree we need to change something about our security needs. Their managers should be replaced - Juan and Jesse are not responsive to the owners request and they are not properly training the workers.

Anonymous said...

I think you are all wet on the security issue. They are and have been tremendously better under Jessie than under Larry DeMalade who couldn’t even qualify for a license. Training, when did Les or Larry train anyone? Look, these guys do a good job and Jessie is at every meeting to hear complaints. There were two board members besides Pat Burke still gunning at security only because they been inconvenienced one time or another. Leave security alone!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, this is not an attack on the BOD or the security under the latest board.
It's been bad in the past and it's still bad so please don't play that game or we will never repair whats wrong here.

We have nobody in management or on the BOD that has any expertise in Security so why not have a committee with year round owner Jim Burkhart a Retired Police Officer with several decades experience and expertise as its chairman.
Not wanting to blame anyone just improve things.

When we switched to the new security contractor I supported the change. But many of the same problems still exist.
Last week a fully loaded pickup was observed entering LIV thru the gate and going directly to the commercial dump area. When the owner approached them ( three males) they said they did'nt speak english.When the owner said he was calling the POLICE they left. The owner then went to the security gate and asked why they let the pickup in and the guard said that the driver was an employee.
Manager Rich notifed and on the case.
More garbage in the commerical dumpster the more we pay. How long was this going on... I bet a long, long time.

Anonymous said...

Do you think a retired cop can stop every and I mean everything that happens? I think not and on top of that security is quite different than law enforcement. I agree a security committe is needed and feel schelduled monthly update meetings for the security staff are needed. This would not only help securing our gated community but would help considerably in case of a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No one said a" retired cop", as you put it can stop everything.No one person can. But we are dealing with a security company and no matter how nice they are at answering our questions we can still get more if some on our side has the experience and expertise to ask the right questions. I agree that security is different however Texas as well as most, if not all other states waive the training and other requirements for licensing as a security guard to a certified police officer. Don't feel so threatened of a retired Police Officer.
We recommended that the security company have a portable GPS on each guard so their rounds and movements could be tracked. These systems are dirt cheap and would further help us evaluate their service to our Village.

Anonymous said...

Security is not our most important problem folks. Aramark for at least the past three years have given themselves a 6% raise and for what? NOTHING! The restaurant and rental office have not improved. Renters are not being charged enough for our amenities, water, and sewage. We should work on these issues first.
Why don;t you put a GPS on Aramark employees instead.

Anonymous said...

Why does there have to be either or? Put GPSs on Security AND Aramark vehicles. Please don't stand in the way of improving our Security. It can be done with little or no additional cost. Just training and supervision.

Why do you feel it is OK for employees (either Security or Aramark) to steal from us? Everyone involved in the incident of the employee bringing in trash to dump (Security and Aramark employee) knew that the manager was out of town and there would be no recourse in their actions. This was a deliberate theft of service by an employee, aided by Security.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why we allow our golf course employee to sit at the counter during her shift and apply her makeup Had her makeup case all laid out on the counter. Is this what we pay for. Earlier in the week she was sitting by the door with eyes closed.Didn't respond until she was asked is she was asleep. Boy does she have people fooled . Time to clean house folks.

Anonymous said...

We have been taken advantage of for too long.
Forget the names, they change but the "adopt"and advocate for the employee mentality must stop.
Don't we understand that this LIV of ours has lost it's gleam and we have to get it back.
Please close the grill and the rental office.
For the BOD to do nothing but offer discount floats and golf and lunch packages is nothing less than pethetic.

Anonymous said...

An example of our security management.
One guard worked 35 hours overtime last week on the 10pm to 6am shift and then worked 6am to 2pm
Well you guess when he sleeps??? On our Dime.
Let us get what we pay for PLEASE...

Anonymous said...

This is what gets me .You should have to be a owner to get a table for a cocktail or dance. The way it is renters get most of them. The owners get to pay the bills for the park it needs to be owners first then the renters.What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I agree fully. But don't expect the board to do anything about it when a Board Member and his wife have 40+ NON OWNERS THAT THEY RENT TO EACH SEASON.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of people not getting a table if they wanted...

Anonymous said...

Well the last that I knew Board Members were also owners we could have a little bit of help from them to get a good thing for the owners.After what happen in the pool room that cost us.

Anonymous said...

I believe the female working in the pro shop was unfairly singled out. All the pro shop people have always read books, watched tv, worked puzzles, etc. when not busy-which is the majority of the time.
Blame management for not giving them something useful to do.
For starters they could clean the pro shop and restrooms inside and out during their free time instead of sending a housekeeper over for the cleaning. Their are probably other useful things they could do if the managers would just give it some thought.

Anonymous said...

Is funny how the lot of us have the time to write bad things about surface matters.. do we not have any thing better to with our last amount of life?, Then just to complain. Our security only makes min wage, yet they dont bitch when we ask them to be our plumbers, electricians, our ice store and our security at the same time.. i guess we've turned back into a bunch of babies ... so the next time we have them running our personal errands . Ask yourself if they are helping me out, or lets write that a better way ...if im stealing from the village by aksing them to work for me for free, am i not at equal falt? Cause you are... since we to cheap to pay them right to get them more help then the only answer left wound be volunteering . Im pretty sure we can muster up some cash for doughnuts to get our retired cops to give a helping hand... ain't that right scott.. well i guess we cant expect alot from someone who cant figure out the purpose behind selecting anonymous and then adding your name and lot number. All i can say about that is iam glad ur not a cop anymore, cause u probley would have got someone hurt with your small brain and your loud mouth.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

I stand by everything that I said in my March 10th comments.
I bought a lot here at LIV about 5 years ago when you sheep were walking along into the slaughter house. I along with others opened our big mouth and things have changed. However more things need to change.
You sound like someone who lived in Hoterville prior to LIV and having been exposed to the ignorant and unlearned in my prior professional life I truely feel sorry for not only your ignorance but your resistance to change and your name calling. Perhaps you would blame your parents for not "learning you better".
Lets all speak up for change at LIV because it's falling apart here.No doubt the increased maintenance fee and the assesment is hurting us in this competitive real estate market.

Scott Lot 28

Anonymous said...

Aramark is our employee. We tell the when they get raises.
Come on BOD step up to the plate and put the in their place
We should not have an increase in our dues if u can't take the time and energy to make some much needed cuts. As someone said the pro shop employee has alot of idle time . Close the pro shop n move it to the grill. Make the grill a self serve facility with a limited menu. Close the activity center and move that to the welcome center. make this place more efficent. Smoke breaks only on your coffee break and lunch break . these cuts would eliminate employees that have idle time.

Bud said...

RE: Mar 21 6:42 am

first, who the heck got you out of bed that early in the morning so that you could start your banal ranting?

You obviously do not spend much time at the beautiful amenity we have ! The young lady you are refering to does computer work and cleaning and putting up with nincompoops like you. Get a life Bud

Anonymous said...

Let the truth be the truth. Taking what is not yours is stealing. If it is from your neighbor, LIV, or the federal government. It does not depend on whom else is stealing or what your neighbor has done. Without laws, our society will be in chaos and lawlessness. That's what happens when people think it's OK to steal because others have in the past. And still others are stealing now...

Anonymous said...

Stealing is stealing like stated by the other who called it stealing when our guards get miss used and or needed... thats the truth period...i unlike most of you take the time to find out just why those people where let in to go to our dump.. one of which is an employee and the other two where his help.. they where let in to look for metal scraps to take ti the scarp yard to put a little more much needed money in they pocket ... not everyone is as well off and as snobby like most of us.. do ya'lls research theres always two sides to every story.. maybe or retired police could help you understand that...

Anonymous said...

" much needed money"

Please if you feel the need to help the needy please do and It's great, I do. But when people are despirate for momey I don't want them riding around our LIV because their not just taking from the dump ya'll as the ecomomy gets worse they will start taking more and from us.
If you believe that these three guys came in with a truck load of garbage to look for metal and not dump for free at LIV where the old stupid people live and let them get away with it then you drank the coolade...

Anonymous said...

Lets stop the rancor and move foward.
Before the 2011 the candidates for change were running around going to change everything and we gave them the chance.
Well were still waiting guys and a girl. All we need here is what the USA needs LOWER OUR BUDGET COSTS. Get it.
These are the facts damit. This is why people are mad.

Anonymous said...

So you have proof that they wanted, not to dump, but to take things out of the trash and take it home with them? And your sources of information are good? There were 2 people, not three. The pick up was over-loaded with a "ton" of materials. They weren't there to pick up anything. They were there to dump. If you would like to provide them a place to dump, please give the Manager $350 a month to provide them with a special place to dump outside materials. If the Manager gives you permission to dump, or the BOD, or their assistants/lackeys, then I guess it's OK to dump.

Anonymous said...

Another comment on the Grill - When the Grill opened this year, a group of golfers agreed to start meeting there to support the Grill. After many weeks of poor service and cold food, they have agreed to change their breakfast location.

Anonymous said...

After eating the dinner served at the luau, I will never again eat at the grill. It's not a surprise they only sold 4 tickets for the fish fry, or that chicken night was cancelled because only 19 tickets were sold. Fire the manager and close the loser.

TreeHugger said...

Dear Luau "lover",
Crawled down out my usual spot up high, and went for the Grand Buffet, and guess what the MAIN entree was?
The same "Rubberized" pork that was left over in major portions from the Luau! Some folks just never learn, should have realized that the Smorgasbord from past Grand Buffets would be eclipsed by the Luau Leftovers!
We certainly cannot let this go on or the Grill will collapse due to NOONE showing up!

Anonymous said...

If you look at the restaurant financials posted on the LIV website it appears the restaurant would break even if prices were increased about 30% with no loss of business. Raising prices would almost certainly result in less business and would be counter-productive.
I don't mind subsidizing things like the tennis courts, pool, golf course, etc. even if I don't use them. I believe these things enhance our property values and make LIV a more desirable place to live.
I don't think the restaurant is in the same category. Judging by what I read and hear about the restaurant it seems the vast majority of owners/renters are either totally indifferent to it or vocally critical of it.
Most of us in our personal lives know when it's time to just let go of something.

Anonymous said...

We rise early to enjoy our morning coffee on the deck while enjoying the fresh air and watching great sunrises and sometimes hearing the birds singing. It is a great time of day. Try it.
If you reread my original posting you should realize I was kind of defending the young ldy who works in the proshop. Someone else complained about her.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joey,

You can't make this stuff up! Tuesday 3/27/12 a car was driving on the golf course after dark was reported to security.
The next day a golf course employee found a bowel movement on the 2nd green and the hole flag was used as toilet paper..... Wow the pooping bandit strikes again.
Good news today!!!
3/30/12 After owner Ken Vaughan's report of an employee entering LIV while off duty and dumping in the commerical dump area our manager hass fixed the gate to this area. It's been more than 5 years since this has been closed thanks Rick...
Now close the grill please.

Anonymous said...

Guess what it is 10pm and the gate is still open .

Anonymous said...

Illegal dumping from people in Port Isabel and beyond, whether they are our employees or just the general population, needs to STOP. This is a Security matter and rests solely on the shoulders of the General Manager and of Security. Either they stop the dumping or the General Manager needs to fix the Security problem. We don't need our monthly fees going up to support the general public and our general safety going down by any thug in the community threatening our Security. They are threatening our Security by having access to LIV and its amenities.

The Holy Crapper said...

HOLY CRAP! LIV still operating the rental office after all these years - WHY? It can't make money because owners circumvent LIV's "exclusive rental rights" by renting their properties themselves or using other property managers - and claim "Oh I'm not renting to them, they are my GUESTS"!

And, how much is ARAMARK charging to operate the rental office? And how much would the fee be reduced if rental is closed? Someone needs to pull the old records of when LIV first acquired the rental office and rental rights - seems there was a new, additional Aramark contract with a fee to ARAMARK in addition to the previous fee - can't remember but I think it was maybe $30,000 per year (maybe less, can't remember), but if it's $30k, that's about the size of the annual rental deficit!

My suggestion - sell the "exclusive rental rights" (not the rental office real estate) to a third party property management company. And get Aramark to reduce their management fee accordingly.

Anonymous said...

What happened at the auction?

Anonymous said...

Solution; Jennie has 40 plus properties and operating under an anonomous realtors license. Close the rental office, give all of the properties to Jennie we now have on the books and say adios me amigo, or hire Jennie as a manager and require her to bring in her 40 plus properties to the fold so that office can show a profit !!!

Anonymous said...

We need to get Aramark out of here. They are eating us alive ! Jennie is not the rental office answer. Not all roses with her either.

Anonymous said...

According to the March 2005 Restatement of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for LIV, Article IX (Use and Occupancy), Section 6 states:

"No commercial activity of any kind whatsoever shall be conducted on or from any Unit lot or parcel."

Anonymous said...


A brief thought pertaining to pool wrist bands.

Having had 4 properties I am issued 16 bands every year .Maybe 12 of them kick around in my kitchen draw unused.

Perhaps we should all pay a daily fee of $2.00 or so to use the pool.

Different color paper bands to be purchased at the office till closing and security after hours.

Please be kind!

Anonymous said...

I well not pay for a wrist band if it comes to that close the DAM POOL.

Anonymous said...

do you golf?

Anonymous said...

Paying $2.00 for adults and a $1,00 for children doesn't seem to much to ask.

Your getting a lot for a small amount. Especially in those summer months when activities are offered.

Maybe owners can wear the bands, all others pay.

To complicated, all pay

Anonymous said...

Yes we do I think we pay to much as it is .we pay for golf so if i use the pool3-4 times a week i should pay no no hell no.

Anonymous said...

I have always been in favor of non-owners who stay at our Village to pay an activity fee of some sort. This activity fee would help offset the costs we incur when our facilities are not taken care of by those renters, for extra security, etc.

I realize there is a fine line in some people's minds that owners certainly pay enough with our condo fees. HOWEVER, if I owned multiple lots with the intention of renting, then the excessive use of our facilities out-weigh the use of 1 or 2 owners. You must think about the "accumulative" affect on our facilities by HUNDREDS of different renters at a particular lot in a years' time, versus 1 or 2 owners. The condo fees may cover that 1 or 2 owners, but not hundreds of other people's use.

I realize there will be some who do not agree, and those who rent out their lots don't want to make their renters "mad."

Yet, we still have the problem of our facilities being overused by renters and guests. Renters and guests should pay, in addition to their rent, an activity/usage fee.

This is where it gets sticky, especially when most of the rentals are handled not by the LIV Rental Dept. How do you control who comes into our park who don't rent through the main office anyway? I admit I am in the dark about some of our procedures.

The wristbands we currently use are expensive. There are cheaper wristbands out there; ones that are "temporary" in nature and cannot be passed from person to person. They have to be cut off to get them off. Condos and restaurants sponsoring big events on the Island use them all the time.

Let the owners use the more expensive rubber wristbands, but only issue 1 to each person who owns. And if you have multiple lots, then too bad. You already have your bands from your "main" lot. If your renters, guests or otherwise want to use our facilities, then they must gain a temporary cheaper wristband from the main office, and pay an activity fee.

Anonymous said...

Very well stated and I agree to a point if I undersatnd what your saying. Question, activity fee , above the cost of a wrist bands?

If so would I think an entry fee for the use of the pool area would be sufficient for our guest. I do agree on the idea of only two bands issued, no matter how many lots you own.

Anonymous said...

Well, yes and no. I guess I am thinking about an Activity Fee which is what you pay for when you get a wristband. The wristband would not only be for the swimming pool, but for identification that you are a VISITOR to LIV, and that you have paid for the use of our MANY ameneties.

Of course, I haven't addressed the issue of families. There are many owners who are not just 1 or 2 "retired" people. They are young with, sometimes, large families and extended families. We have to think about how many "permanent" owner wristbands to issue those folks. It is difficult when some of these family units include large numbers. Can we really say that you can only have a maximum of 8 people in a unit if you are the OWNER? The house next to ours has bed space for 12+!!!

Thank you for your kind response. It's something to think about...

Tree Hugger said...

To "Yess & No":
Even from up on high I know that there is a Maximum number of guests/lot set in the covenant. If they sleep 12, that presents a problem with the provisions we have set and one heck of a stress on ALL the facilities here.
I believe the Magic Number is 8, in any language.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Another thought.. What is the exact cost to maintain the pool per year.?

Divide that cost amongst all owners.

Take that figure and reduce our dues.

Then sell memberships to the pool.

Owners can buy a pass for the season or yearly..

Guest can buy monthly, weekly or daily passes

Owners passes can be a card issued with picture ID

Guest can have a punch card..

This thought would not have anything to do with the golf course..

The golf course is a large parcel of common land we all enjoy.:)

Be kind!

Anonymous said...


The house you are referring to may be different from the house I was referring to. The house next to mine DOES have closets and/or drawers in each bedroom.

Is it possible there is more than 1 or 2 units which sleeps more than 8?

On a related note: I find nothing in the by-laws or covenants which limits the owners of a unit to the number of beds allowed.

Don't know what is says for rentals.

Anonymous said...

To: "I know this house 5/7" Scroll up and read the info on Tree Huggers comment of 5/3, I believe the imposed limit is on the number of PEOPLE per lot.!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, help me out here. Tell me exactly where I can find that "limit of 8 per unit" in our Covenants or By-Laws. What section and number, please.

Anonymous said...

The number of people allowed per bedroom by HUD in determining occupancy for federal housing is the generally accepted number and a good start for us at LIV now that we can call anything a quarum .....

The definition of a bedroom and the number of bedrooms allowed should be put into our code along with the square footage of such.
But President Chappa won't do anything he's too busy keeping facts and fiquires from the Tres.

Anonymous said...

Don't we all submit our building plans to LIV before building? How is it, then, that some houses sleep 12? Isn't that "permission" to have 12+ per lot?

If we have 1,000 lots, our amenities support a minimum of 1,000 people...a MAXIMUM of who knows if each lot has 12+ people. But it's even more than that. It may be 12 people at a lot this weekend, but a different set of 12 people every future weekend. The numbers are staggering. Our amenities are not designed for those masses. We need an activity fee for all non-owners.

Bud Sherry said...

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you beauties in PARADISE Bud

Anonymous said...

12+ people per lot.That is something to worry about.But,lets take your prediction one step farther.what if those people have pet elephants?1,000 elephants trampling around!We will need bigger poop bags.We need an elephant fee .Reply

Anonymous said...

We need an non- owner activity fee.

P L E A S E....

It would be one answer to the problem of overcrowding at LIV.

Anonymous said...

Membership for owners to the pool is a stupid suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Went up to the proshop the other day to play some golf and found the proshop is now only open the few days when they expect more business at the golf course. Good move since the amount of revenue generated most days in the summertime probably doesn't even cover employee wages for the proshop.
Now if mgmt. would use a little more common sense and close the restaurant as soon as the resort starts to clear out by the end of March.......

TreeHugger said...

Pro Shop User 5/28: One step at the time, remember you have to crawl before you can walk!
It took a long time and a lot of errors to get to this point, but with the word being that there are 3 good folks already considering running for the board next year, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, fiscally speaking, and there should not be a need for water meters @ owners cost of 400.00 in contravention of what was in the "deal" when we all bought our homes here.

Anonymous said...

Damn right!

Anonymous said...

Renters should pay every time they enter the pool. $2 per person, per day does not seem unreasonable!

Anonymous said...

Renters need to pay their share!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree! It's in our owner's association agreement that all rentals go through our office! Any outside rentals, Swink, Tropical realty, Etc. we don't get our,s! When the renter shows up to check in, they should be accessed a weekly fee for using our facility's. $50 a week dosn't seem unreasonable.

Anonymous said...

All renters golf carts should be insured and our security should be paying special attention to who is driving the golf carts! No one without a valid drivers license should be allowed! There has been instances where a renters golf cart has hit a owner's vehicle and there is no way to collect for the damage! Our board is here to protect us and thy are failing! VOT'EM OUT!

Anonymous said...

An owner ID card would be a great idea! Renters need to pay and wear a band on their wrist, not their ankle! Owners no bands but display your ID card!

Anonymous said...

re: yes I agree

I think you miss the point here. when you rent a place/space you are renting the amenities along with it. in the long ago past the rental office was renting rv spaces not houses/park models. what needs to be done is close the office and forget the by/law, let owners or their agent be responsible for advertisement, etc. then beef up security and check in so that our other rules/regs are enforced.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely I agree! Renters are a problem! There are no rules for renters! Our board lets them rule the place! Owners have no rights! $50 a week would not be unreasonable and would help out us owners!

Anonymous said...

That is why when renters show up to get in, we need to charge a fee for use of our amenities. Renters rule and owners have no rights!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Renters put a heck of a strain on our facilities! In addition to the pool, $2 every time they launch a boat, $2 per person at the gazebo, in addition to $50 per week when they come through the gate to go to their rental! Taking a crap on a pool table is a fine example of how renters respect us!

Anonymous said...

$50 per week for renters when they come through the gate to go to their rental in addition to $2 for each person at the pool! This should be in addition to Condo fees paid by the owner!

Anonymous said...

Yes I Agree! When all the rentals went through the office, we got a portion of the rent to help pay for repairs and upkeep in our village! Now Swink, Tropical Realty, etc. keep all the money and now we get none! Renters put a lot more wear and tear on or facilities than owners do and should pay what the realtors don't pay!

Anonymous said...

I have it from a good source that renters are going to a color copier and printing out a copy of the gate pass and passing them out to all their friends and relatives. Also from a good source, one of owners witnessed renters at a color copier making copies! This has to be stopped some how! Our board knows this is going on and does nothing! Despicable!