Sunday, September 4, 2011

August 24th Board Meeting

The GM said our poolside grill will drop the Friday food service and will be open only on Saturday and Sunday through Labor Day. After Labor Day the Grill will be closed for the season.
The Minutes were approved (no month mentioned).
The Treasurer's Report will from now on describe the previous full month instead of from the first to the Board Meeting's date.
Profit and Loss showed our Village's net income year to date was off by $282,916 from the previous year with $36,212 revenue decrease and $246,704 expense increase. The Treasurer provided attendees an expense loss breakdown to which certain Board members questioned.One question brought to light a most interesting disclosure about Aramark’s liquor license contract with our Village.
Revenue Centers showed the Grill was a $32,603 loser, the Golf Course a $41,372 loser, and the Rental Office was down $14,477. In the black were the Laundry at $280 and the Newsletter at $2.333. Committee activities started with D-E having a successful fishing tournament, the Pool Committee is interested in new furniture, and a Policy Committee gave an update on their tedious task.
Roger Steffensen resigned from the Bridge Board due to health reasons and will not be replaced.
Berry Pools will be sent a termination letter from our Board with a grocery list of problems they've fail to resolve in the hopes that they will agree.
Motion was approved to purchase five hitch locks to use on illegally parked or untagged trailers.
Rental Office problems were in the spotlight with the focus being on better documentation, inspections, and upkeep of rental units.
When VP McBride suggested that the Welcome Center hand out fliers asking all to refrain from washing their RVs, Director Guerra couldn't get it out fast enough if this will apply to the winter people. He voiced that these RV washings should be allowed using some kind of a designated sprayer pistol. Director Guerra then added that he was not in favor of doing this to the summer people and then asked if we were under some kind of water management, duh!! After some discussion each Director agreed to the fliers.
The Board declined a varianc for lot 663 .
The Board discussed the Village website needs.
No one on the Board could answer Treasury Steffensen's question if the rules and regulations along with the amendments to our Bylaws were filed by the Village attorney.
Director Guerra appeared to browbeat the GM and security supervisor Jesse for not conducting security/GM meetings. He wanted information about the water machine at bath house two and wondered if the security golf carts are equiped yet with a second fire extinguisher.
The Gm was praised for his idea to have a new ice machine at the Welcome Center. He said he found a company that sells bags of ice at about half the price of our current provider. The Board went into an executive session over update on legal issues and personnel.


Anonymous said...

I'm at a loss as to why making attempts to conserve water is so difficult. Where has D. Guerra been. Surely he's aware of the drought and the water bill the resort has been paying, the fact that's it has seen a substantial increase. There was a suggestion to do an odd/even water day. Odd lot #s had water rights, if you will, on M/W/F and even lot #s could use the water T/T/S with one day off limits to everyone, summer/winter people and visitors alike. While it seems this board is trying it doesn't seem like they are willing to make many tough decisions. When this was suggested there were all kinds of excuses. The board members should either create a policy to deal with the issue and enforce it or don't bring it up or complain about.

Anonymous said...

What this village needs is one more rule,We cant inforce.Isn't The Bord is in the process of organising all the past rules created by old boards and ignored by everyone? Our watering system is controled by timers,that are mostly contrled by our grounds people.As I see it they have already cut back too much.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's the watering system that's the problem it's the people that spend hours washing their house, cars, boats etc. Or wash things down everyday. A good percentage of these folks don't have nozzles and they just let the water run, mostly in the street or canal, while they soap up. It seems the attitude is that since I don't personally have a water bill to pay it doesn't matter. The water bill will show up in higher lot fees.