Friday, December 12, 2014


Wednesday’s Coffee Meeting was pretty interesting. This is the first of a three part short article series about that meeting called “THE GOOD, THE BAD, and THE UGLY”.


Treasurer Steffensen said there would be no increase in condominium fees for 2015. This was due to an exceptional effort by Treasurer Steffensen and the owners on the Finance Committee.
The particulars on how this was achieved will be explained at tomorrow’s December 12, 2014 Special Meeting.

This forum will be a Board workshop on the Finance Committee’s 2015 recommendations and will have limited owner participation so I would recommend that owners should attend this and bring their ideas on how we as a village can improve revenues and reduce costs.

It was said a new long term 5 year plan will also be introduced. There will be a follow-up on tomorrow’s meeting that will be added to this article and the BAD and UGLY articles will follow individually next week.

Supposedly starting December 15th owners were able to use credit cards towards their condo fees at a 3% convenience fee.   In December’s Meeting we had for the first time the Executive Meeting disclosed each personnel item and contract issue to be discussed prior to its session as required by the Condominium Act Section 82, but it is not clear if Minutes were taken.

Also in December’s Meeting Director Waller with his motion wanted action towards the first ugly item below but tabled it when hearing the attorney wanted to discuss this first with the Board.

Tied for either good or bad is that next month’s until further notice the Coffee and Regular Meetings will be on Saturdays starting at 9am.


The completion of the parking lot is looking bad. The weather of course was the major factor but the Board added to the problem with failing to have a completion date and no contingency plan for bad weather on the contract. Add in that they have already awarded this contractor two thirds of his contract price it seems they are left with little leverage to improve what was once early September projected completion to now being at the very best a late January one.

The lawsuit picture grew with the announcement LIV is now involved with LIOA’s swing bridge jet ski lawsuit.

It’s not at all clear why some Directors think its bad that the fundraising people be given a say towards where their money is spent.

All but three on the Board approved pay raises to each and every hourly and salary Aramark employee while the thinking on the Swing Bridge employee’s pay increase seems to be the opposite.


It appears there’s been seven times an owner has asked the Board for action at removing a supposedly dangerous wall structure that was built without a building permit. He described several hazardous events because this structure is at the road’s edge, including his own wife’s personal injury. The President’s excuse was the attorney has unsuccessfully been able to deliver a letter to that owner. The President also said the Board would bring the issue up at a Workshop that followed this Coffee meeting. That didn’t happen.

Only after the Board was asked to review the Executive Minutes for the verification that they didn't violate certain Executive Meeting protocols did we learn that LIV’s attorney supposedly advise our Board President not to record or keep Executive Minutes. This would seem to be in direct conflict with Article V, Section 7 of the Bylaws and increase the view of some that these Executive Sessions are nothing more than secret and unlawful meetings.



Anonymous said...

"the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior"
FROM, “A History of Outdoor Resorts/South Padre” by Jim Paul (copies available to read at our library):

Page 30, “To understand the mentality that exists…one must first be aware of the background of many lot owners. For the most part they are made up of successful people….There were some, of course, that had never held a responsible position and they still had a yearning to do so. This type of person always proved to be the most troublesome since they tended to be more abrasive and very seldom came up with constructive ideas. The history of the resort seems to indicate that dissidents tended to join together and attempt to find fault with any action taken by…resort manager or board of directors….this type tends to resent any type of an authority….”
Page 37, last page, “It appears that the biggest threat to its (LIV) survival could come from some lot owners who have their own personal agendas.”
This short history is an interesting read and offers some historical perspective to LIV.

Anonymous said...

Is this LIV history available to read online? It would be very interesting to read. Thanks!

Joey said...

LIV's website currently has all of 2013 and should have up to October in 2014. The Village library may have earlier year Meeting Minutes.

Anonymous said...

Not to my knowledge but it is a small paperback that you can check out at the library, there are several copies. Perhaps Joey will scan it onto this blog???????
You're welcome!

Anonymous said...

Can we ask the BOD President to step down?