Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It seems that the majority of this board has come to the conclusion that all directors should have access to the financial aspects of our community because Treasurer Sandberg has stayed.
Thank you Board


Anonymous said...

Treasurer Sandberg and any owner always has had access to any financial records.

Anonymous said...

Not true, Aramark will only provide owners general information, nothing specific. Try some time and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Please be specific! I hear you saying the board has no detailed knowledge of what Aramark charges Long Island Village? May we ask who does? And what is general information?

Anonymous said...

This Village is made up of mostly old scared intimidated nice folks that won't fight back....

Anonymous said...

Why hasn’t the Board of Directors issued violations to all residents who are in violation of the amendments and covenants? It is time to put up or shout up BOD and enforce these rules or take them to a vote by all owners at the annual meeting in March to eliminate Article 7 and others you have selected to NOT enforce!. But you will need 75% and from recent meetings you know you won’t have the vote and may have to stop your personal gain at all of our EXPENSE! Conjecture is that since they are personally in violation they want to keep saying that Ramona, our lawyer, doesn’t think we will win, so let’s just not enforce the PARTICULAR rules that benefit our personal pockets and interests. That is NOT community service which these same directors bemoan is so difficult, who do they think they are kidding! They are on the BOD to secure their continued abuse of the rules and owners. They profit personally as we all have our condo fees raised and pay special assessments. How much income are WE loosing each year we don’t have ALL the rental business? So ask them folks, unless you also benefit personally by their business and if so, well shame on you!