Monday, February 27, 2012


Year after year it becomes apparent that our Board of Directors ignored certain things. Allowing owners to use "Village ratification rights" for material alterations and substantial additions has never been granted. Babble is all a person gets when addressing this issue like substantial is defined many ways or you’ll never get 75% of the owners in the Park to even vote much less ratify something. My favorite was a board member saying we’re elected to make these kinds of decisions for owners and if they started ratifying everything they wouldn't need us.
We find the Village ratification rights in the Declaration and in the Bylaws. These rights were not put in there just to fill up space but to ensure the power of change was not given to an elected majority of nine, but left in the hands of concerned owners.
Previous Boards have argued we need 75% of the total owners to ratify (768 owners out of 1024). I'm not alone in thinking (SEE POLL ABOVE LEFT) Declaration's Article X and Bylaw's Article VII say 75% of however many owners show up at an announced ratification meeting only need to vote and the majority of those votes rules. It’s as simple as that so I ask, why aren’t we doing it?


Anonymous said...

AT all cost unit owners have to be notified via email, letter with return form.. Post 30 days before voting and only in the WINTER MONTHS AT the peak of winter guest! And anything else one can can think of.. Not in the dead of summer... Maybe better yet voting for change can take place when the annual meeting is in full swing

Anonymous said...

I’m sure the annual meeting would seem ideal but not necessary. If there were that many people concerned with what’s added or changed in the Village they would have shown concern about their right to ratify. I admit I never knew we had that right but now agree with Joey this needs to be addressed but also feel any time of the year is better than a maximum of five deciding. To me it can be a check and balance tool.