Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking On Agenda Issues

There were none

President’s Remarks
Pres. Halbach read a letter from Judy Voss who suggested doing away with the Coffee Meetings and have closed workshop meetings. This will be on the Sept. agenda. To clarify, all comments, complaints or suggestions would be opened at the workshop and procedures concerning the issues would be addressed by the Board or by Management to resolve. A topic under New Businesson the agenda for the Board Meeting would give the results of the issues that were resolved.

Manager’s Report
Armando filling in for the GM went through the work orders and permits. Condo assessment arrears were $72,675, $45,305 more than last month. The laundry will be closed for a few hours Thurs. due to water heater repairs. Chicken night will continue until Labor Day and start back on a Wed. in Nov. The Rec. Hall will be closed Aug. 2nd for about a week to do the floors. The Sat. prime rib dinner buffet and chicken night had over 80 customers each.

Director’s Comments
Treas. Steffensen said they were thinking about moving the pool fountain over to the miniature golf area.
Dir. Gagan wanted clarification of tents and or pop up shades. The answer was they are not permitted.
Dir. Montalvo gave an apology to everyone involved in the incident where he got upset at a Security officer and Pat Burke on our last Mother’s Day weekend.

Approval of June Minutes
Motion made and approved

Treasurer’s Report
Treas. Steffensen went through the Treasurer’s report and nothing stood out. Total expenses were $142,199 less than this time last year. Village Grill, golf course, and Rental Office were in the red. In the black was Laundry and Newsletter. The $38,712 windstorm settlement was noted on the 2009 P&L to show why there was such a difference from 2009. The $1600 Hurricane Committee expenditure that Pat Burke made such a fuss about at our Coffee meeting ended up being $67.

Committee Reports
D&E-Dir. White said she received most of the band contracts and it appears next year will be entertaining.
Golf-They finish a cart path this week and have two left to do. Raffle has sold 160 tickets so far.
Pool- Treas. Steffensen said they received new tables and lounges.

Unfinished Business
The motion was approved for Ed McBride to pursue getting a free emergency siren from Port Isabel.
Dir. White said the Hurricane Manual wording has been changed. To give the Board time to review it will be voted on it at the next meeting.

New Business
Pres. Halbach said that Dir. White has received a warning letter about her unleashed pets. No fine is never given on the first warning.
August Board meeting has been changed to Thursday, August 26th.
Treas. Steffensen said management needed some compensation guidelines to handle rental customer satisfaction and owners renting satisfaction. Larry DeMalade made a comment about what he did on this subject when he was the GM.




Tree Hugger up on High said...

It appears one or more of our readers "missed" the point of the NEW Blog page, i.e. A.P.B.
Too bad, most thought it was a hoot!

Judy Voss said...

Joey, I would like to clarify my e-mail. All comments, complaints or suggestions would be opened at the workshop and procedures concerning the issues would be addressed by the Board or by
Management to resolve. A topic under New Business
on the agenda for the Board Meeting would give the results of the issues that were resolved.