Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Special Meeting
President Halbach started with acknowledging the Board had received many e-mails about the survey and thought the Village Voice was responsible. He said there were many misconceptionsout there. He explained in order to vote intelligently, Villagers need figures and that is why the Board approved a $15,000 survey. Since the cost of the survey is now substantially more, we will not have CRA do the survey. He was of the opinion without the figures dredging should not be on the Annual Meeting ballot.
Dir. Gagan said two survey companies he had talked to indicated $15,000 was more than enough and two other companies have yet ro respond. He also will contact a man that lives in Los Fresnos who does this type of work .
Dir. White and Treas. Steffensen thanked Dir. Gagan for his hard work.
VP Pelletier gave the history of the survey issue and dredging questionnaire. He said people are wrong who say owners do not want dredging. He said CRA's scope of work became more expensive after the Board approved doing the survey. He rambled a bit before saying he didn’t want the dredging issue on the ballot.
Dir. Guerra said he had always thought there were other companies out there and won’t approve a higher amount for a survey. He indicated unless the membership wants it in March, he's not for full dredging.
Dir. Martin said the same as others.
Dir. Bergsma said he initially got three survey bids. He added that CRA has done a great amount of work looking at our facility and spent a lot of time on the proposal. He went through CRA's qualifications and closed by saying I have nine years of practical experience in dredging and am trying my best to help you, but it's not going to get done.
Dir. Gagan said to Dir. Bergsma he would welcome a list of specifications and any pertinent questions to ask these other survey companies and Bergsma said “no thanks”.
Dir. White asked Dir. Bergsma if any of these survey companies Dir. Gagan mentioned were the ones he originally disqualified and Dir. Bergsma couldn’t tell her.
With that Dir. Bergsma picked up his stuff, got up, and left the meeting.
Pres. Halbach changed the subject and said there is an issue on if the light posts Marlin Construction installed should be removed. Marlin Construction said these were not a permanent structure and asked why he is constantly being singled out from all the others. He and VP Pelletier went back and forth on that until an owner asked if that is why the Board called this meeting for.
Martha Nell Dodson gave an extrapolation of CRA's proposal costs and after five minutes the total which didn’t include dredging was $308,660.
Rowdy Voss asked if renters were allowed in our meetings.
An owner asked the Board if they were looking for a one lump sum price for dredging. Pres. Halbach said yes.
Someone said the Board should prioritize while another owner said they never give out bid specs.
Richard Deitrick said this survey equipment could be bought for around $5000. He also said that things change and there is a need for new ideas. He asked why Dir. Gagan and Treas. Steffensen, who were on the dredging committee, didn’t know about the additional CRA costs and suggested that committees have more than just one person knowing what is going on.
Jim Peterson suggested that our Village could benefit with having the owner’s expertise in the phone directory.
Thank you for the positive reasons we make LIV our home.
Sometimes we lose sight.
It sounds like the meeting was well orchestrated also.
And to Richard you are so correct sir.. We must keep reinventing ourselves.
We are a family and a family of investors.
Jim welcome back. We missed you.
asked why Dir. Gagan and Treas. Steffensen, who were on the dredging committee, didn’t know about the additional CRA costs and suggested that committees have more than just one person knowing what is going on.
Joe what was their reply?? Please
The million dollar question?? Why did the BOD call that meeting? I honestly believe they called it to vote to accept the CRA proposal.
You would think they would have done a little investigating after the last meeting when that lady pointed out that there were a lot of hidden expenses in the CRA proposal and Bergsma admitted it. I was embarrassed for BG & MS when Ms. Dodson explained to us (and them)what the expenses were & how much it could cost us.
So, do you really think they called that meeting just to tell us that BG was finally out looking for other survey companies to bid? The coffee is next week...they could have told us then!
Who is looking out for our best interest? Certainly NOT our BOD!
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