Thursday, September 23, 2010
I feel our current Board did a great job on the Arroyo Cable lawsuit settlement and deserves a tremendous amount of credit. For years many knew upon its cancelation that the Arroyo Cable’s contract was a lawsuit waiting to happen. It became a reality when a bare majority on the 2008 Board finally voted to cancel Arroyo Cable and replaced them with Time Warner. That Board brokered a 10 year contract with a max price increase of 5% per year. The deal provided twice as many better quality channels for $50,000 less annually. As I see it the savings has paid for this lawsuit. Great job!
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other than atty fees did the suit cost us $$$?
Don Halbach said $45,000 for atty fees and $25,000 to Arroyo. Total $70,000
allthough nearly everyone on this blog dislikes Pat, we must give her some credit here. We do not realize how much she put into it to protect our interests
re: "Don Halbach said..."
Well, let's see. The new contract in 2008 is now 2 years old; savings of $50,000 PER YEAR is $100,000. So what IS your beef?
I'm not sure I understand "why" we were being sued in the first place? If they sent us a bill & we paid it......what is the problem? I know we weren't being sued because of breech of contract. Their contract was about to expire when we started getting bids from others. Were they just sour grapes because we went with TW?
Re:allthough nearly everyone on this blog dislikes Pat
As I see it, the major problem with Pat Burke was that it was always her way or the highway. I have seen her do good things that deserved gradifacation and bad things to people who didn't agree with her. Her actions at the meeting when she resigned though couldn't have been clearer, she was in it for the attention and personal power, not for the good of the Park.
RE; I'm not sure I understand "why"
Arroyo's contract said we were to pay so much per lot and specifically said our Park was not to allow any other cable or satellite dishes into the Park. The Board signed that contract but later negotiated and verbably made an agreement with them to pay for only 600 lots instead of 1024 because of summer empty lots. The board never did get that in writing and let Direct TV and Dish Network in. Wonder who is on the Board now that approved Arroyo originally or renewed their contract later. I know Reta Priest, our lawsuit guru, was serving about that time.
Who are you? You say we do not realize how much she put into it to protect OUR interests. Are you Reta, Leroy, or Larry? Such balderdash. The people in the Village are so much better off without her tyranny. It's probably driving her nuts that people haven't been paying attention to her lately so be prepared for her to run for the Board again.
I don't think PB helped this village at all. In fact I think she was the major player in destroying many relationships and has cost this village & individuals dearly. Her fanatical "need" to control & "no compromise" attitude has resulted in many law suits that could have been avoided. Remember, even the lawsuits we eventually win have cost us in attorney fees & our insurance rates. These last 3 years our attorney fees have been at least $50,000. and more. Never before have we even come close to spending that much. For the most part, we now have a BOD that focuses on serving this community...not themselves.
re: who are you
Who are you?????? put your name on that question!!
Maybe my memory is faulty, but I remember Martha Nell as the person most responsible for getting us Time Warner. Pat's contribution was to stay out of the way, for a change.
re: memory
you are correct and I agree, Martha put a lot into getting T W. Pat put just as much into the lawsuit brought by Arroyo, again to protect our interests. You are quick to find fault but reluctant to give credit. the end
Actually, I think you have a good memory. Martha Nell worked hard to get bids from several different companies. They did a straw vote from the owners attending that BOD meeting and then the BOD voted not to renew Arroyo's contract & go with TW. Those were the days when PB opposed everything MN, & several other board members did.....then took credit for them later.
Please don't mention her name anymore PLEAZZZZZZZZZZZZZe
Why do any of you want to go backwards?
Are we finally at a point where things are running on a even keel?
Are we bored ?
I like this BLOG,but when I check in time to time and no one has written, it makes me happy!
Oh Yea, PB was so concerned about "protecting our interest" that she said "I resign....good luck with your law suits!" If truth be told...PB was only interested in covering her friend LD's rear because he is the one that took it upon himself to change the average number of residents from the original Arroyo contract. Another fine mess you got us into LD. Hey, heard you were moving...need any help packing?
Maybe not an even keel but definitely smoother.
In general our Village is moving forward with a GM who is focused on improvement, finally a Board who appears to be interested in listening to all owners not just a select few and an atmosphere in which owners are not fearful of being intiimidated by former over bearing Board members. Remember the Board meeting events that lead to a "smoother keel" in the Village and don't get sucked in by the few who would give misplaced kudos to individuals who should no longer play a role in Village governance. I for one will be voting in March for those individuals who will focus on "an even keel" and not for those who are only interested in serving their own purposes or promoting their own self worth.
re:oh yea
you need to research a subject you wish to speak on before you rant. that arroyo contract was let LOOOOONG before Pat was elected and LD arrived!
You probably need to "think" before you speak. The initial contract was signed long before either one was on the scene....but when LD arrived he did take it upon himself to change (lower) the average number of residents from the original contract. Do YOUR research! No one said PB had anything to do with the original contract.....just that she was "again" cleaning up another LD mess!
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