Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Board Meeting 9/22/10
Pledge of Allegiance
Owners Speaking
Lot 744 spoke about the issue of our Board wanting to make it mandatory for small children to wear life jackets. His position was that there are already too many rules, they couldn’t be enforced properly, this would increase our liability, that it would upset those youngsters who swim like a fish, and most of all, it is the parent’s responsibility to care for their own children.
SC 120 agreed with Lot 744 and added that parent awareness is the answer. She also said the rules are a blur. She said the noodle size that is used in the Activity Center as an example did not make sense.
Lot ? said he had managed motels and hotels for many years and has yet to see a life jacket rule.
President’s Remarks-Halbach
Here is the update on the dredging questionnaire.
There were 490 lots that responded, 190 of them (43%) owned boats, 34 have on-off boat lift problems in which dredging will not address, and there are only 3 owners who have trouble navigating one or more canals. Their boats, a 32ft. cabin cruiser w/4ft draft, 24ft sailboat with 5ft draft, 30 ft tug with 3.5ft draft.
Pledge of Allegiance
Owners Speaking
Lot 744 spoke about the issue of our Board wanting to make it mandatory for small children to wear life jackets. His position was that there are already too many rules, they couldn’t be enforced properly, this would increase our liability, that it would upset those youngsters who swim like a fish, and most of all, it is the parent’s responsibility to care for their own children.
SC 120 agreed with Lot 744 and added that parent awareness is the answer. She also said the rules are a blur. She said the noodle size that is used in the Activity Center as an example did not make sense.
Lot ? said he had managed motels and hotels for many years and has yet to see a life jacket rule.
President’s Remarks-Halbach
Here is the update on the dredging questionnaire.
There were 490 lots that responded, 190 of them (43%) owned boats, 34 have on-off boat lift problems in which dredging will not address, and there are only 3 owners who have trouble navigating one or more canals. Their boats, a 32ft. cabin cruiser w/4ft draft, 24ft sailboat with 5ft draft, 30 ft tug with 3.5ft draft.
The questionnaire showed 52% have docks and half of those use boat lifts.
Over 43% did not want to dredge, 39% limited, and 17% wanted full dredging.
Over 63% of the responders prefer the stick method over the $25,000 survey.
There were 48% of the responses saying any assessment would be a hardship while 25% said hardship for them started after $500.
More than 67% wanted dredging money to be spent on Village infrastructure or roads.
SC120 asked about dredging near the sea walls.
Lot 870 said it should be up to eacg owner to dredge near their sea walls.
This ended with Pres. Halbach saying it looks like partial dredging of bad areas is where things are at now. The Board talked about starting a contingency fund for the dredging expenses.
The Arroyo Cable lawsuit had been settled.
SC120 asked about dredging near the sea walls.
Lot 870 said it should be up to eacg owner to dredge near their sea walls.
This ended with Pres. Halbach saying it looks like partial dredging of bad areas is where things are at now. The Board talked about starting a contingency fund for the dredging expenses.
The Arroyo Cable lawsuit had been settled.
LIV's insurance did not cover this lawsuit. Arroyo Cable originally wanted $300,000 from LIV. The settlement was that LIV will give Arroyo Cable $25,000. The attorney fees at the time of settlement were near $45,000 and the continuing of Village Attorney fees would have exceeded $25,000 if this case went to trial, so the Board decided this settlement was finacially the best route for LIV.
Lot 591 asked why the insurance didn’t cover this. Treas. Steffensen said the insurance does not cover any contracts that the HOA makes outside the Association.
SC120 asked what our attorney had recommended. Pres. Halbach said that it was to settle with giving them the $25K.
Lot 744 asked if Arroyo still had equipment here. Pres. Halbach said whatever's left is ours and as we'll disposed the stuff as we find it.
Update of the Bridge Board Meeting.
Lot 591 asked why the insurance didn’t cover this. Treas. Steffensen said the insurance does not cover any contracts that the HOA makes outside the Association.
SC120 asked what our attorney had recommended. Pres. Halbach said that it was to settle with giving them the $25K.
Lot 744 asked if Arroyo still had equipment here. Pres. Halbach said whatever's left is ours and as we'll disposed the stuff as we find it.
Update of the Bridge Board Meeting.
Pres. Halbach said Mr. Freeland was in attendance and wanted LIV to pay half of the $10,875 bill he received from the firm he asked to file a protest towards the Corp of Engineers conclusions over realigning the intercoastal. Decisions about this were tabled.
There is a letter going around for owners to sign and send individually to Congressman Ortiz to protest this conclusion of the study by the Corp of Engineers. That study said a realingnment of the intercoastal waterways around Long Island would not result in having a good benefit to cost ratio. Villagers know better having had to live with the results of barges damaging the swing bridge and also know that sooner or later some major accident will occur.
Selba Campbell talked at length about her progress in trying to negotiate a new bridge. Go Selba! She also said it was very important that everyone votes this year.
Manager’s Report-Horner/Zamora
Rick Horner said he had 94 work orders with 77 of them completed, 5 building permits, condo fee arrears were $23,703, down $13169 from the previous month. Violation letters were basically replaced with courtesy letters because of the recent but light storm damage. Aramark is now drug testing everyone. Armando was recognized by Aramark for lasting 25 years and was awarded a watch. Time Warner tried to increase their rates 15% but Horner reminded them because of the contract, they can only increase them a max of 5% annually.
Director’s Comments
Dir. Martin said the gazebo's tile is extremely slippery when wet. Armando said it will be replaced.
Approval of August Minutes
August minutes were approved
Treasurer’s Report-Steffensen
Nothing stood out. Every revenue center except the newsletter were losers and the Rental rhetoric stayed the same. Dir. Montalvo voiced his concerns about the extremely high ratios of cost of goods to revenues.
Manager’s Report-Horner/Zamora
Rick Horner said he had 94 work orders with 77 of them completed, 5 building permits, condo fee arrears were $23,703, down $13169 from the previous month. Violation letters were basically replaced with courtesy letters because of the recent but light storm damage. Aramark is now drug testing everyone. Armando was recognized by Aramark for lasting 25 years and was awarded a watch. Time Warner tried to increase their rates 15% but Horner reminded them because of the contract, they can only increase them a max of 5% annually.
Director’s Comments
Dir. Martin said the gazebo's tile is extremely slippery when wet. Armando said it will be replaced.
Approval of August Minutes
August minutes were approved
Treasurer’s Report-Steffensen
Nothing stood out. Every revenue center except the newsletter were losers and the Rental rhetoric stayed the same. Dir. Montalvo voiced his concerns about the extremely high ratios of cost of goods to revenues.
Pat Burke politely pointed out that the $38,714 insurance check added to 2009 revenues effects the comparisons.
Committee Reports
D&E Committee-White
Oct. 30th Halloween cocktail party
Committee Reports
D&E Committee-White
Oct. 30th Halloween cocktail party
Trash &Treasures on Nov.13th
Nov.15th a cocktail party with Mike the Piano Man.
Golf Committee-Pelletier
Pool Committee-Steffensen
Hurricane Committee-White
Hurricane manual is in the Library.
Unfinished Business
Owner’s Lounge Policy/Second reading of policy changes-Pelletier
Motion was passed to rescind the current $50 fee and return to the original lounge policy of having a $50 refundable deposit. A period of time to reflect and then conduct a second reading of a new policy change will go into practice.
Road Paving-Pelletier
There were discussions about not being able to find pavement contractors and Treas. Steffensen said the Board has $34,000 left this year to spend on road improvements.
Pool Rules and Monitors-White
Dir. White handed out 10 easy to understand rules to replace the current "NO" wording type rules. It was emphasized that owners should leave all problems in the pool area to Security.
Golf Committee-Pelletier
Pool Committee-Steffensen
Hurricane Committee-White
Hurricane manual is in the Library.
Unfinished Business
Owner’s Lounge Policy/Second reading of policy changes-Pelletier
Motion was passed to rescind the current $50 fee and return to the original lounge policy of having a $50 refundable deposit. A period of time to reflect and then conduct a second reading of a new policy change will go into practice.
Road Paving-Pelletier
There were discussions about not being able to find pavement contractors and Treas. Steffensen said the Board has $34,000 left this year to spend on road improvements.
Pool Rules and Monitors-White
Dir. White handed out 10 easy to understand rules to replace the current "NO" wording type rules. It was emphasized that owners should leave all problems in the pool area to Security.
New Business
Child Life Vest Requirement-Gagan
Dir. Gagan said last week everyone thought this was a good idea and now it is not. This was dropped from going forward.
Director Absentee Policy-Guerra
Dir. Guerra wanted to change the current three in a row absent rule to a so many within a year rule. In order to do that, a resolution to amend the Bylaws is needed abd that is now in the works. The Board will be discussing this further at the next meeting.
Board use of SKYPE-Guerra
Dir. Guerra said he feels Board members should be physically at the Board meetings. Treas. Steffensen agreed and said signatures are necessary from every Director almost every month. Dir. Bergsma who is the only Director using the internet teleconferencing called SKYPE, said the Board originally didn’t approve this, it was our attorney who said it was legitimate communications for Board Meetings. He asked the Board to address this next month when he will be physically back. Different Board members gave their thoughts and a motion was approved by every Director except Bergsma that using SKYPE will not count as being present at a Board Meeting.
Lot 288 said if you say a Director is not viewed as present at a meeting using SKYPE, you would find it difficult to say this Director would be able to cast a valid vote at that meeting. That sent the waves rolling.
Child Life Vest Requirement-Gagan
Dir. Gagan said last week everyone thought this was a good idea and now it is not. This was dropped from going forward.
Director Absentee Policy-Guerra
Dir. Guerra wanted to change the current three in a row absent rule to a so many within a year rule. In order to do that, a resolution to amend the Bylaws is needed abd that is now in the works. The Board will be discussing this further at the next meeting.
Board use of SKYPE-Guerra
Dir. Guerra said he feels Board members should be physically at the Board meetings. Treas. Steffensen agreed and said signatures are necessary from every Director almost every month. Dir. Bergsma who is the only Director using the internet teleconferencing called SKYPE, said the Board originally didn’t approve this, it was our attorney who said it was legitimate communications for Board Meetings. He asked the Board to address this next month when he will be physically back. Different Board members gave their thoughts and a motion was approved by every Director except Bergsma that using SKYPE will not count as being present at a Board Meeting.
Lot 288 said if you say a Director is not viewed as present at a meeting using SKYPE, you would find it difficult to say this Director would be able to cast a valid vote at that meeting. That sent the waves rolling.
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In our world of advancing technology, all of us at LIV should keep in mind that the old "must be present to ...win/vote/pay/voice an opinion/etc. no longer applies. In most cases a facsimile signature is legally accepted (think prescription refills). Is it truly the "signature issue" or is it a way of making sure that only a very few are able to run for a seat on the LIV board?
In reference to Mr. Freeland's request that we pay half of HIS bill to HIS attorney for the protest to the Corps of Engineers...
Unless a previous agreement was made with LIV to help pay for this expense, then Mr. Freeland is out of luck. So, will whomever made this agreement with Mr. Freeland, in advance, please step forward.
Being present doesn't apply, only if you want to follow the ACORN rules for voting. You can be dead, Mickey Mouse, absentee, and vote often. But that's too modern for us...
You can even stand outside with a big night stick to threaten the people who are going to vote. But that's too modern for us...
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