Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oct.26,2011 Board Meeting

The Village attorney Ramona Kantack Alcantara started the meeting addressing a need to amend Declaration of Covenants in order to save possibly large sums in attorney fees for collecting assessment arrears. New 2012 Texas laws will now make it harder for Associations not governed by Section 82 of the Condominium Act to collect late assessments.Our Village is currently is using section 81 and 82 that leaves gray areas in which an attorney can argue, thus costing Village owners due to prolonging the litigation process.There will be a concerted effort by our Board to make this change. The Board might also include improve clarification about our Limited Common Elements.

There was no Manager’s Report.

Owner’s Speaking.
Lot? Owner brought up for a second time his problem with a neighbor’s dog.

Treasurer’s Report.
Treasurer Steffensen reported that as of August the Village had $20,248 less in revenues while expenses increased by $270,576. The Profit Loss posted for August showed the Grill being a $43,853 loser, the Golf Course a $55,525 loser, the Rental Office a $9574 loser, and the Laundry a $322 loser. Our Newsletter has made $3672 so far.
Treasurer Steffensen touched on the condo fee arrears with saying the Village has 117 owners over 16 days late totaling $67,633, 8 over 30 days totaling $3057, 1 over 60 days totaling $765, and 16 owners are over 90 late being handled by the attorney totaling $32,067.

D-E (Director White) announced the Village sponsored events have been published. Upcoming is a morning Trash and Treasure and Catholic Daughters of America Casino night this Saturday.
Golf Committee (Director Sandberg) announced their first meeting will be on November 3rd.
Pool Committee (Treasurer Steffensen) said the gazebo is being redone. Four of the straight back lounges are being sold at the Trash-Treasure sale and will be replaced with adjustable back lounges.
Policy Committee (Director Deitrick) said sometime in November his committee will make some suggestion to the Board on a format to address ten to twelve years’ worth of policies.
Bridge Board report (VP McBride) announced that it has been five years since a Board has checked and updated the Swing Bridge assessments. It was found that Sun Harbor should be charged twice as much as what is currently being collected.
There was a reference that Port Isabel has a legal issue with our Bridge that needs addressing.

Unfinished Business.
Berry Pools (Director Sandberg).There was to be a meeting with Berry Pools last Thursday towards cancellation of service and the results of that meeting will be brought up at the next Coffee.
Infrastructure (Treasurer Steffensen) said they still only have one pavement bid and then went through the bids in replacing the big windows in the Activity Center’s east lobby (poolside). Lowest bid to replace all was $37,413. Bid to remodel and enclose the upper windows was $3,900 and install the six lower windows ranged from $12,000 to $21,000.
Dredging issue has been slowed due over finalizing a dredging spoil disposal site. Director Gagan brought up that there are many owner boat docks in need of major repair and asked if the Board can do anything about it.

New Business.
Website (Treasurer Steffensen) spoke of the updates to the Village website. One feature is that you can now go online to fill out the form to check in your guest. A classified section will also be introduced.
Trailer Locks (Director Deitrick) a motion was passed to buy up to $300 worth of additional trailer locks to put on a violator’s trailer.
Committees (Director Sandberg) it was brought up that there are a growing number of owners wanting to be involved with committees but find that there are no positions available. VP McBride suggested that we enforce a previous Board's open committee policy passed several years back.This would provide owners wanting to help to expess their ideas to the committee.
Fine-citation Adjustments (Director White) after a lengthy discussion containing different ideas nothing was resolved.
Newsletter Survey (Treasurer Steffensen) said after three months this survey produced 104 responses on newsletter delivery. It showed that 78 wanted it mailed to them and 26 wanted it email to them. It was mentioned that owners can read the Newsletter on the first of the month from our Village website. It was also expressed having only 104 responses from 1024 owners show that most Villagers don’t care to read the newsletter, making it possibly a waste of money mailing it to all.
Activity Center (Deitrick) suggested that the Activity Center do more in promoting tourism saying there are agencies wanting to promote their tours to owners in our Park.

Executive Meeting.



Wednesday, October 12, 2011


There was a shortened September 28th board meeting due to the absences of Treasurer Steffensen (illness) and VP McBride/Director Chapa (vacations). Agendas such as the Treasurer’s report, Pool Committee report, Infrastructure Work report, Web Listings report, and Newsletter Distribution report had to be shelved.
Lot 155 suggested putting windows only in the lower area when our Village replaces the large Activity Center windows located by the ping pong table and fill in the upper portion with a solid material. He felt it would look just as nice while conserving energy costs. The Board liked his idea.
GM Horner reported last month they had 97 work orders, six building permits, and condo fee arrears totaled $30,136. They were currently monitoring and adjusting the sprinkler system so maximum water pressure is being used when watering. In response to last week’s Coffee question Rick confirmed that maintenance internally inspects the fire hydrants during fire prevention week. He sadly announced that Armando had a spell at the employee’s picnic outing that resulted in a possible need to correct a left artery clog. As of October 12th Armando is not working and tests are still being done.
The August Minutes were approved.
President Montalvo said the Board will focus on the Village Grill/Pro Shop revenues and expenses moving forward. Our GM did say last year he came under fire when he temporarily closed the Pro Shop. He said it doesn’t make sense though to pay to be open when Pro Shop revenues are just $35 a day.
D and E is to have a Halloween cocktail party on October 31st and Trash and Treasures on November 4th..
Golf Committee Director Sandberg brought up an annual green fee credit request asked for by Dennis Zylman. Board members had no problem with his request but stated it’s not actually an issue that the Board needs to address. Director Sandberg said she understands that but Dennis thought this should be brought to the Board attention since he is also on the Golf Committee. Director Sandberg also told the Board that many who golf thought that any owner over ninety years of age should have an honorary golf membership. This was later voted on and passed under new business.
GM Horner said Berry Pool’s response to LIV’s termination request is that they have a contract with LIV until next April. President Montalvo said should be a lesson learned that there should be an LIV out clause on every contractual agreement. The GM again expressed that the Berry Pools contract he had on file had a 30 day termination notice. He had no knowledge that a different contract was approved by a previous Board that substituted this 30 day out clause with a 30 day notice at the end of the annual contract. We learned that Berry Pools indicated an LIV resident told them LIV wanted this termination for no other reason than to change the purification systems and that is why Berry Pools feels the current contract should be honored. It was said that whoever this owner is appears to be intentionally undermining this Board. President Montalvo said the action by this owner was not the problem,the real fault here is that this contract should have never been approved or signed in the first place.
Executive Session
After the Meeting came to order the owner from lot 145 expressed having a problem with the current watering of the common areas and wanted to organize teams of owners to edge Village streets.
Motion was approved to accept the current non-disclosed terms set forth in the M. O. Berry lawsuit. The Board took note to an owner saying that a non-disclosure of terms cannot legitmently be expressed in the minutes.
Motion was approved to start accepting dredging bids.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It appears the Board will discuss the needed repair to our roads and parking lots next Wednesday. If approved, it is rumored owners will see a $300 assessment. Apparently through positive lawsuit negotiations, this Board will now be able to discuss the necessary dredging of our canals. If approved, it is rumored owners will see a second $300 assessment. We will hear more details at the Regular Board Meeting next Wednesday.


The Coffee meeting was very short.
Lot 119 asked that an area in the Rec. Hall be provided for small meetings, i.e. the Bridge Board meetings.
Lot 142 complained about lot 152’s dog. Treasury Steffensen said Port Isabel’s School system is in need of volunteers to assist students.
It was revealed there will be a fashion show next year on Valentine’s Day. Proceeds will go to the Library.
VP McBride announced that longtime resident Jan Zylman died yesterday.
It was said that Director Gagan did well in a Coastal Current article with his reasons on why people from California relocate here.

Secretary Seffensen will provide a report on the Newsletter’s recent distribution survey and talk about Rental listings.
Dir. Gagan asked for update on the salt conversion of our pools and was told there has been no final response from Berry Pools yet on the breaking of the pool contract.
There might be a discussion about fire hydrant inspections.
There will be some clarification on what is happening with the parking lot/ road work along with the dredging.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

August 24th Board Meeting

The GM said our poolside grill will drop the Friday food service and will be open only on Saturday and Sunday through Labor Day. After Labor Day the Grill will be closed for the season.
The Minutes were approved (no month mentioned).
The Treasurer's Report will from now on describe the previous full month instead of from the first to the Board Meeting's date.
Profit and Loss showed our Village's net income year to date was off by $282,916 from the previous year with $36,212 revenue decrease and $246,704 expense increase. The Treasurer provided attendees an expense loss breakdown to which certain Board members questioned.One question brought to light a most interesting disclosure about Aramark’s liquor license contract with our Village.
Revenue Centers showed the Grill was a $32,603 loser, the Golf Course a $41,372 loser, and the Rental Office was down $14,477. In the black were the Laundry at $280 and the Newsletter at $2.333. Committee activities started with D-E having a successful fishing tournament, the Pool Committee is interested in new furniture, and a Policy Committee gave an update on their tedious task.
Roger Steffensen resigned from the Bridge Board due to health reasons and will not be replaced.
Berry Pools will be sent a termination letter from our Board with a grocery list of problems they've fail to resolve in the hopes that they will agree.
Motion was approved to purchase five hitch locks to use on illegally parked or untagged trailers.
Rental Office problems were in the spotlight with the focus being on better documentation, inspections, and upkeep of rental units.
When VP McBride suggested that the Welcome Center hand out fliers asking all to refrain from washing their RVs, Director Guerra couldn't get it out fast enough if this will apply to the winter people. He voiced that these RV washings should be allowed using some kind of a designated sprayer pistol. Director Guerra then added that he was not in favor of doing this to the summer people and then asked if we were under some kind of water management, duh!! After some discussion each Director agreed to the fliers.
The Board declined a varianc for lot 663 .
The Board discussed the Village website needs.
No one on the Board could answer Treasury Steffensen's question if the rules and regulations along with the amendments to our Bylaws were filed by the Village attorney.
Director Guerra appeared to browbeat the GM and security supervisor Jesse for not conducting security/GM meetings. He wanted information about the water machine at bath house two and wondered if the security golf carts are equiped yet with a second fire extinguisher.
The Gm was praised for his idea to have a new ice machine at the Welcome Center. He said he found a company that sells bags of ice at about half the price of our current provider. The Board went into an executive session over update on legal issues and personnel.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


At our Coffee Meeting the Board said they are having problems with getting rid of Berry Pools. Back on August of 2007 a Berry Pool agreement was approved with having a 30 day termination notice throughout. We were also told that this monitoring service alerts Berry Pools of mechanical failures so they are corrected before they cause our pools water problems. General manager Larry DeMalade also said that Berry Pools would save our Village at least 30% on chemical costs.
On April 2009 the Board approved a higher cost Berry Pools contract that contained changes. It seems our Board now can only give a termination notice 30 days before the contract ends and now we have to tell them about a problem after it gets out of hand.

Since the contract renews itself each April, our new Board must now wait until April of 2012 before they can rid our Park of Berry Pools services. It also appears our Village is spending more, not less on chemical costs.


Saturday, July 30, 2011


Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking
Lot 145 owner who had demonstrated what changes he could make to the Village website said he was not looking for a job. He said he would help when he could.
Lot 702 expressed concerns about President Montalvo being absent during non-official Coffee Meetings and wanted him to address the attitude of his children. This lot owner wamted him to deal with his kids, suggested he resign, and then asked for a response. President Montalvo dealt with this lot owner like a Governor Christie. He quickly responded saying Directors have no attendance obligations to these Coffee meetings. When I ran for the Board I made it clear to everyone I was not in favor of these meetings and would probably not attend many of them. As far as my children, I have not received any complaints prior to yours and wish to ask you (lot owner) if this incident involving my children involved you? The lot owner said no. President Montalvo said I have not received filed complaint about my children from Security. This Board has stressed to owners if anyone gets out of line that they need to call security. When President Montalvo continued the meeting, this lot owner objected. Montalvo said I allowed you to have your say and addressed both, next item.

President’s Remarks section had President Montalvo saying he heard good things said about our Village and thanked everyone for their patience this summer.

Manager’s Report was postponed due to the manager having to meet with the family of an owner who just passed away.

Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report had Director Sandberg bringing up a time lapse problem on the figures. It was suggested that in the future a line item be added to show accounting from the Board meeting to the end of that month.
Mayprofit and loss report showed the Village Grill and Golf course had doubled their losses from a year ago. The Rental Dept. lost 25% more. $8,500 has to be added to the cost of the Rec. Hall roof repair because of a bad beam. This roof repair will now cost $68,500.

Committee Report

DE has a fishing tournament on Aug. 20th and the Adult Pool Olympics on Aug. 27th.
Golf had no report.
Pool will have some chairs replaced this winter.
Safety section addressed our Village dust problem which is apparently five times worse than normal due to the construction of the new nature reserve.

It was noted that the bridge employees did a fine job on a recent major repair.

Unfinished Business

Web Site will have continued discussions.
Pool Equipment was addressed by Director Chapa. He said when Berry Pools remove their chlorinators; the replacement chlorinators will cost approximately $650. He can also save the Park about $50 a month on pool chemicals. Dir. Chapa talked on converting to salt generators. Using this machine would convert salt that's in the water to chlorine. This basicly would eliminate the costs of chemicals. Cost for each generator (5) will range around $1700. It was noted that without having to now pay Berry Pools $1300 for their useless services and buy their overpriced chemicals, the investment in these salt generators could be recouped in less than six months and it would feel like swimming in soft silky water.
Motion passed to give Berry Pools their 30 day notice and approve Dir. Chapa to acquire the replacement chlorinators. A second motion passed to install one salt generator.
Exercise Room Expansion section saw a motion pass to move all treadmills into the clogging room across the hall.
Pool Shades section announced that these shades did not look right and there is a need for more thought. Dir. Guerra expressed his concern that the $225 additional amount was not approved by the Board. The minutes will be reviewed.

New Business

Indoor Pool Use by adults from 9pm to 11pm had lengthy discussions, primarily on what is an adult age. Office Phone System motion was passed for a 24 month open end AT-T lease agreement at a total payment cost of around $7900 and a $1 or fair market value purchase option at the end of the lease.
Boat Trailer Parking motion passed to give Security the authority to attach tongue locks to illegally parked trailers.


The Security Supervisor talked about implementing different security procedures and mentioned the additional guard being used at busy times.
The Board expressed confusion over if a golf cart operator must be licensed or be accompanied by licensed person. Minutes will again be reviewed.
It was asked if there is still a rule on checking out the balls and cues for the billard room.

Executive Session-Legal Issue Update and Personnel



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May 25th Board Meeting
Director Guerra absent

Owners Speaking-None

President’s Remarks- Montalvo-He thanked owner Bob Davidson for his hard work with providing each Director a CD that has the Board Minutes from 1996-2010. VP McBride also thanked all those involved with the donations and installation of the stairway chair lift now located in the Activity Center.
Manager’s Report-Horner/Zamora-77 work orders, no building permits, will replace the TV in the Activity room, and condo fee arrears were down to $28,951. Dir. Gagan asked GM Horner if he could get the cost on a shredder for mulching the cut debris.

Approval of Minutes- after corrections the motion was approved

Treasurer’s Report-Steffensen-It was noted that Aramark’s bill of over $200,000 was not posted yet. No P&L was available due to a computer problem. Treasurer Steffensen’s motion was approved to transfer the money from the 2011 Major Improvement Fund to pay the first installment of the Rec. Hall $19,000 roof project.

Committee Report D&E-White- Karaoke Sat. May 28th, Pool Olympics June 18th, cook-off July 9th.
Committee Report Golf-Sandberg-N/A
Committee Report Pool-Steffensen-An additional “life ring” was order. Dir. Gagan said that the pool/spa thermometers were far from being accurate
Committee Report Safety-McBride-Thanks was given to those who volunteered their time and much needed hurricane advice.

Unfinished Business-News Letter-Steffensen- motion was approved that for 90 days owners will receive their newsletters via email. Owner must notify the office to opt on being mailed one.
Unfinished Business-Mail Package Box-McBride-after some discussions along with a few owner opinions, the Board decided not to provide this service.
Unfinished Business-Committees-Montalvo-President Montalvo relinquished his position to VP McBride in order to make a motion. With saying the Village Website lacked in so many areas, Pres. Montalvo made the motion to hire a Website contractor. He then rescinded it after finding out the Village may have a volunteer. This subject will be brought up at the next meeting, giving time to find out what this volunteer can provide. Director Montalvo made it clear he was forming a Building Committee that will feature two contractors having different building perspectives. President McBride gave the President’s position back.
Unfinished Business-Security-Guerra- Secretary White thought that Dir. Guerra concerns were with pool area Security and that he wanted a better performance from Security. Pres. Montalvo added to this that Security should drive slower while on patrol.

New Business-Infrastructure Update-Steffensen-she wanted Manager Zamora to provide an update on the costs of the Rec. Hall parking lot overlay and the new solar street lights. She said all infrastructure costs need to be kept updated for the MIF.
New Business-Rental Office-Steffensen-Her report showed that if the Rental Office were to close the fixed expenses remaining would cost $44,000 a year. Since the fixed expense number is higher than what the Rental Office is losing, her recommendation was to continue the Rental Office and have management do a better job. Dir. Sandberg made the comment that she and others have stopped using the Rental Office due to a bad experiences, hers being three years ago, so there is a need to restore a trust. There were some ideas thrown around at improving the Rental Office, but in the end Treasurer Steffensen said the Rental Office currently has 58 rentals and will stay in operation.
New Business-Questionnaire-McBride-VP McBride said a questionnaire gives our Board a good read on what is right or wrong within our Park and would like it used. Owners/renters will see it in the near future.
New Business-Outdoor Pool Shade-McBride-VP McBride made the motion to construct a shaded area at the pool. Dir. Sandberg said the Board first needs to know the cost before a vote. Owner of lot 171 recommended that the Board redo the new fence around our current shaded area to redirect incoming pool traffic and with that nothing else would need to be done. SC 120 asked if this construction needs to be owner ratified and VP McBride said he would look into it. After some discussion the motion appears tabled.
New Business-Expansion of the Exercise Room-Deitrick-there was two ideas to expand the exercise room. Use space from the indoor pool bathrooms or use the clogging room. Motion was passed to have management provide solutions on the expansion of the exercise room using these two ideas. It will be addressed at the next meeting.
New Business-Accountability of gas usage-Deitrick- Director Deitrick wanted better accounting for Village gas usage. GM Horner expressed the changes he's done so far after it was originally brought up at the Coffee. Pres. Montalvo also wanted a spread sheet showing monthly usage.

Other-Trash-McBride-praised our new trash pickup company and it was agreed upon that the trash bin lids will be raised in the morning and lowered in the late afternoon by maintenance. Ash cans will now be provided to owners/renters in the trash bin area.
Other-Volley Ball Court-McBride-GM Horner said it is now ready.
Other-Hurricane Preparation-McBride-GM Horner said a list of lots and notifications will be provided to the Board and will be kept updated at who is in violation of the Village rules.

Executive Meeting to review updates on legal issues and a one personnel item.



Monday, May 16, 2011


Laguna Madre Water District - Results

Proposition 1.
The issuance of $23,750,000 of bonds for the system improvements and the levy of taxes in payment of the bonds.

For - 565

Against - 471

Proposition 2.

The issuance of $15,655,000 of bonds for a seawater desalination pland and the levy of taxes in payment of the bonds.

For - 544

Against - 478

The ballots are not finalized until they are canvassed by city commissioners and alderman.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Pledge of Allegiance

Presidents Remarks-Pres. Montalvo reiterated that the Election Committee review is over and now in the past.
Manager’s Report- Rick Horner had 121 work orders, 8 building permits, and condo fee arrears rising to $69,021. Next week the Village Grill will be open only on Fri-Sat-Sun. Grill will start to service the pool area on weekends after Memorial Day. Next Wednesday will be clean out the kitchen Buffet. Chicken night resume on Fridays after Memorial Day.
Approval of the Minutes-Secretary White’s motion passed to approve the Jan-Feb-Mar. Minutes. This was after several corrections.
Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer Steffensen’s report revealed the norm but the figures on the P&L had math discretionary. The Village Grill and Rental Office were again losers. All the Revenue Service areas were doing worse than in 2010. Julio from the restaurant will start attending the meetings explaining the restaurant report figures.
Committee Reports-Secretary White said there will be a pool Olympics in June and July 9th will be the cook off.
Golf Committee-N/A
Pool Committee – Treasurer Steffensen said she wants signs to go up to keep personal lounges from entering the pool area. President Montalvo went on and on about how unfair the wrist band allocation is for owners.
Safety Committee-VP McBride said the committee will meet right after this meeting.
Recreation Hall Repair Bids-VP McBride-a motion to accept the Owen Roofing bid passed. The amount was not specified.
Board Member Spouse Committee Rule- Director Sandberg-it was decided that proper procedure would be that a Board member not vote on matters pertaining to a committee that his/hers spouse is on.
New Package Mail Boxes- procedure on how to use these new mail drop boxes located in the Activity Center was addressed.
Newsletter info-Secretary White asked if all the ads could be in one place. She also wish there be more in depth on the happenings of our Village.
Attorney Use-Director Sandberg requested the Board send a detailed letter to the Village attorney about what is acceptable billing. There was a fairly long discussion about contact procedures affecting the cost to the Village before it was agreed upon.
Quiet Time-Secretary White’s motions passed to amend quiet time. Friday and Saturday quiet hours will be from midnight to seven and the amenities will have extended open hours seven days a week. This will begin June 1st and end the first week in September.
Policy Review-Director Deitrick’s motion passed to form a committee that will categorize and organize the Village policies in a sensible way. Judy Voss volunteered for the committee.
Variance Request- Director’s Guerra’s Lot G variance motion passed after lengthy discussion. The problem basically was building nine feet instead of ten feet from a neighboring property.
Berry Pool termination-Director Sandberg’s motion’s passed to have three employees become CPO’s (Certified Pool Operators). Motion passed that after these certifications and checking with the insurance company a 30 day notice of termination will be sent to Berry Pools.
Tele-Conference Meeting-Director Sandberg said owners feel that the new Board member absentee policy basically makes it impossible for any winter Texan to be on the Board. After discussions a motion passed that the Village obtains equipment so any Board member can be allowed a max of two video conference meetings per year along with three absences.
Directors received new binders having all pertinent information (Bylaws, building codes, etc.).

Executive Meeting for lawsuit review.

Meeting Adjourned


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011



Eighteen days ago Catherine DeMalade gave our Directors the document displayed above. She claimed the report was not from her but from others who wish to stay anonymous. DeMalade explained about taking a new position as a fact finder who doesn’t have to say a thing, then asked Director Guerra to read the statement to the Coffee audience. Guerra declined as did the rest of the Board even after DeMalade said anyone could read it.

My analysis of this unread anonymous document.
First paragraph.
The nameless writers opened the report thanking the Board for respecting their request to peruse the election they tried to thwart.
The second paragraph.
"We did not take lightly the decision we made to sacrifice our right as owners to vote." Sacrifice their right to vote? What rubbish. Their plan from the beginning was to not register and convince as many others as they could to do the same in order to stop the meeting by not having enough registered owners to make a quorum. If their actions had been successful it would have sacrificed your rights, my rights, and each and every owner’s rights who registered personally or by proxy. All this turmoil, all this division, all this money wasted because an unnamed group was having some personal qualms over new candidates. Fact is many have had reservations over Board members, but they didn’t sue or act like this. It's twaddle that this was the only way of being heard. It was the only way of getting your way. Ends do not justify the means people.
The third paragraph.
The resisters of the register seem upset at being denied the privilege to speak at the Annual Meeting. When one does not register, privilege restrictions applies because you are officially recognized as NOT being present at that meeting and cannot do business. Our Village attorney was accused at using outside rules instead of our By-laws. Our By-laws say to use such outside rules, e.g. PARLIAMENTARY RULES in ARTICLE XV of our Bylaws describe usage of the Roberts Rules and the Condominium Act.
The fourth paragraph.
This unnamed group said it was an invasion of their privacy and very bad taste when the Board gave out a list of names who didn’t vote. The list was those who didn’t register, not those who didn’t vote. Get it right.

The report said the two issues that remain are:
Issue One.
These Mysterians believed the meeting quorum was not achieved. They feel 30 of the 538 registered owners should not count due to their electing not to vote for any candidate, a “NO VOTE”. The Robert Rules are quite clear on this subject if this secret faction would have taken the time to research it. “(Part I, Art. XI, #64) A Quorum of an assembly is such a number as must be present in order that business can be legally transacted. The quorum refers to the number present, not to the number voting”.
Issue Two.
They spoke about being uncomfortable because the container that held the votes they wanted recounted was sealed with plastic tabs. It was made very clear from the beginning that the box was locked between the two meetings. When it was decided to give the box to the Village attorney immediately after the election, the lock was removed and tabs were used to secure the lid from the wind. Ramona carried it directly to her car. So owners are to believe this unscrupulous innuendo that our Village attorney “tampered” with the votes after March 12th?
The Mysterian report begins and ends using the words respect and trust. Use them
Your comments


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



From the Box
Three work orders were found in the Box and given to management.
In the Box was a comment from an upset renter who said she was talked down to. No specifics given.
Lot 443 asked where the Activity Center chair lift is. He was told the person who originally was to give the donation for it backed out. Treasurer Steffensen said we’re now working on other donations to pay for it. The cost is around $2000.
Lot 823 complained about a sewer odor. Our GM said they have installed seven air release sewer valves after this comment was written and that should have resolved the problem.
Lot 252 wanted better enforcement of the stop signs.
There were discussions about coming up with a different mail in-out sign and touched on the need for palm tree trimming reminders/services.

From the Directors.

Dir. Sandberg had a list of things, questions on recent work bids, tighter enforcement of our six month camper tie down/ skirting rules, and changes to save on attorney cost. She asked and was told it was not true that an old policy exists which allows the Village to divulge those responsible for new assessments, e.g. lawsuits. Dir. Sandberg asked if we have a Village website contract and was told no. It seems we basically request an annual update for $130. Dir. Sandberg asked if this Board should first try to solve a potential lawsuit before submitting it to the insurance company and was told it is in the insurance company’s policy to be immediately informed. She closed by asking that we improved the distribution of legal info to Board members.
Dir. Guerra asked how many times Security has met with management. The GM said one time and added that the every other week contact was not happening. Security manager in the audience said from now on that will change.
Dir. White wanted an update on Bette Robinson’s condition. Word is that she had gone to the hospital after taking a fall. It was said her updates will be posted at the pro shop. Dir. White said there will be a pool Olympics in June and on July 9th we will have the “cook off”.
Dir. Gagan asked about security camera monitoring and brought up his card entry system.
Treasurer Steffensen said May 1st is the pool wristband deadline. She said Village water costs are $110,000 in the first quarter, which may affect this year’s major improvement projects.
VP McBride described how much improved this new trash company is. He asked the GM to look into a few complaints of sewage smell near Bath house one. The GM said he would and asked owners to please refrain from dumping your BBQ coals into the trash bins.

From the Owners.
Bud Sherry said he heard kids were parking outside our Park and coming in to use our pool. Brought up was that renters would stay here once but continue to later use the wrist bands.
Vita Sherry congratulated management on their quick response and efforts afterwards when a woman fell at our pool.
Lot 45 asked for an update on our canal dredging. VP McBride said this dredging lawsuit has put this on hold, but he did say the survey showed that our canals are actually in pretty good shape.
An owner asked what the result of the election committee meeting was. Catherine DeMalade responded by waltzing up and giving each director a document she called a report. DeMalade gave Director Guerra the choice to read this document to the audience because she didn’t want to. He in turn tried to dump it on to Liz Deitrick. While Liz came up to the podium to get a copy, DeMalade said this is not my report; it’s from owners who wish not to be recognized. Director Guerra said he did not want to read this and in his opinion the Election Committee meeting showed that our election was on the up and up. Owners from the audience said reports or comments should not be read unless they are signed. VP McBride said in a nutshell, those concerned were allowed to review the votes and agreed that this was a good election. The election is over and nobody was sued. Everyone should be happy and thank you very much.
The Gm said starting Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends there will be added security and no overtime will be charged. The new rubberized flooring for the exercise room will be done internally saving thousands, plus additional landscaping will be done. Chicken night will soon be on Friday and the restaurant will soon serve food at the pool.
Dir. Guerra said there were two election resolutions passed. One was that Directors can only miss three meetings total for the year and the second was director term limits.
An owner wanted the no wake through the canals be enforced.

The GM said he will do a report on our security monitors and will ask for a variance for Lot G.
Treasurer Steffensen said the Board will select one of the Rec. Hall roof bids.
Dir. White wants to address a change of quiet time for the summer.
Dir. Deitrick wanted copies of the building rules/regulation and will discuss newsletter ad policies.
Dir. Sandberg wants to address a termination letter be sent to Berry Pool services and a second letter sent to re-advise the Village attorney that our Village will not pay for services rendered to others who do not have our President’s direct authorization. Sandberg wants an executive meeting every month to update Directors on litigation matters. She also feels there should be clearer qualifications on these new building codes setback rules.
VP McBride wanted something in the minutes to reflect our Park no longer requires a need for RV frames under the homes. He also wants to address this year’s hurricane issues.



Friday, April 8, 2011


Port Isabel Press on March 31st said this about the Oasis Development and Port Isabel’s annexation of Long Island property.
The Port Isabel City Commission had their second Annexation Public Hearing on March 29. David Evans, a representative for Oasis Development, gave a brief overview of what the annexation of Long Island Village will look like. Included in the plans is a restaurant, a marina and an event center.
“We’re going to do maybe like an outdoor event center so that we can bring country western bands and, you know, just fun stuff,” Evans said.
Evans also stated that they hope to start breaking ground early this summer. Many developers have come along but no project has ever begun on Long Island Village. “At the request of the city and the attorney, they said ‘Let’s lay low and make sure it’s going to be a done deal and legitimate so that we don’t have a bunch of disappointed people,’” he said.
“All we have left is the final stages of financing.” Evans said that the strongest opposition the annexation is facing has to do with the swing bridge which is the only way to go into and out of Long Island Village.
“I think there’s confusion there because the Long Island people have always thought they own the bridge, but the bridge is an independent entity,” he said. Evans said that the bridge is managed by a home owner’s association (HOA), but because Long Island Village also has an HOA, many of the residents believe it is their HOA that manages the bridge.
Mayor Joe E. Vega said that he is for the annexation because it will enhance the city. “I like the plans that they have in place in developing this project,” Vega said. “It’s going to bring a dynamic development to the city of Port Isabel. The more it gets developed; it’s going to bring more people to the city.”
Long Island Village resident Maria O. Ramos, who has lived there for almost nine years, was one of the citizens who spoke during the public hearing concerning the swing bridge. She said Garcia Street needs to be repaired and improved before more people begin to drive through and cause more traffic in the future. “As it is, they are fixing it all the time,” Ramos said. She also wondered, as many did that evening, which HOA was in charge of the bridge. We didn’t know if Long Island Village owned the whole bridge,” she said. “You see, we pay. Long Island Village people pay for the use of the bridge.”
Ramos questioned whether it would only be Long Island Village residents who would keep on paying for the use of the bridge or if the new visitors will be paying something as well. Long Island Village President Eddie Montalvo said that while the people of Long Island do not outright own the bridge they do pay for it. “There is a separate entity that actually owns the bridge,” said Montalvo, “and since we are the only developed properties we pay most all of the fees. Once there are more developers it is going to reduce the amounts that we pay.”
No action was taken at the meeting regarding the annexation, but the issue is set to be on the agenda for a meeting on April 12, and at that time, according to City Manager Ed Meza, it will be submitted for a vote.


Saturday, April 2, 2011


In 2008 Hurricane Dolly struck our Village. The loss revenue insurance check came so late it had to be posted in the 2009 Rental Office revenues. The Rental Office had to post a non-adjusted 2008 P&L that showed a deplorable loss of $25,932.
In 2009, peel away that 2008 insurance check and one sees an intolerable Rental Office loss of $25,223 that had no hurricane interruption.
In 2010 our Rental Office was again minus the hurricane but showed a 30% worse performance when it posted a whopping $35,611 loss.
Treasurer Steffensen has recently said something needs to be done about the Rental Office. Owners only hope that is in the process with now having a new Board.
Everyone knows this wrongly defined amenity has never followed the clearly defined Declaration of Covenant guidelines and never will. Unlike other amenities, it uses the money from one owner to profit another and except for golf; it allows renters the right to invite other non owners into our Park to enjoy every amenity we have for free. While renters and their friends are enjoying these amenities for free, the owners who are profiting by it and any member of their sib are still free to enjoy all the amenities at the same time.
Many non-renting owners are tired of subsidizing rental profiteers through this Rental Office loser that fails to obey our Village guidelines and feel there are but two choices, make it profitable or close it.

Your suggestion is?


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Owner Camaraderie

Once again our Village has weathered divisive endeavors that likened to the 2008 fiasco that transformed Village amity into an environment of enmity. Let us never forget that Reta Priest and Leroy Mulch sued six of our Village directors that year, shutting down Board functions while costing our Membership thousands.

It seems Reta Priest and crony Catherine Demalade were clearly influential in this year’s election stoppage and even laid the claim to represent those who might cause a lawsuit. Our Board allowed these two beauties to be on a new Election Confirmation Committee after demanding the need to investigate the very election they tried to sabotage. Is there a beneficial reasoning behind all this? Boy, you just can’t make this stuff up.

In 2008, owners had no choice but to pay their share for the Priest/Mulch lawsuit and soon found their monthly assessments were covering the insurance increases caused by one too many lawsuits. It seems apparent that Village owners have decided enough is enough. I have never seen such camaraderie between owners in their quest to obtain the needed number of quorum registries. Going forward the new Board’s road map seems simple, pay for any expenses if you are going to contest such things as an election and want a recount.

To my understanding the Election Confirmation Committee provided on Monday a satisfied and correct ballot count. The onus is now on these two lovelies and their clique.

Your comment is?

A Tidbit

A recent comment said “Seriously Joey…..there is never a report on the pool expenses.” My apologies, after a close look at the Aramark reports, in 2009 $76,212.84 was spent on the pools and $69,160.79 was budgeted for 2010. Interesting to note  this year's pool expenses appear to have gone over budget by $21,163.49, closing out at a cost of $89,324.28 and I don’t remember a word said about it. Have you?

Your Comment is?


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Synopsis of the 2010 Aramark Annual Report

The Swing Bridge for the second year in a row has cost the owners nearly a half a million dollars. The $123,000 increase from 2008 is due to the high risk insurance from one too many lawsuits.
Your comment is?
Total labor costs for 2010 were near 2006 levels at $792,869.
Your comment is?
Security expenditures were $209,673 in 2010, an increase of 3%.
Your comment is?
The Laundry was a $3,655 loser for 2010. This amenity has had an averaged loss of $4,732 ever since the ex-GM Larry Demalade convinced the Board into contracting with an outside source in 2007.
Your comment is?
The Golf Course lost a humungous $62,812 in 2010. This follows losing almost $100,000 in 2009.
Your comment is?
The Village Grill posted a $27,381 improvement over 2009, but take away the amount spent in 2009 to remodel 75% of the restaurant and both were enormous losers at $49,307.
Your comment is?
The Rental Office lost a whopping $35,611 in 2010, $119,624 in five years when one subtracts the $38,712 gift from the insurance company. What are never figured in is increase costs from renter’s above average use of Village water, sewage, and trash. This renter deficit tally grows even larger when one figures in the rarely mentioned common ground damages and lawsuits. “ROB” may be a fitting abbreviated name for the Renter Office Business our Village has contrived, a system that uses assessments from the owners who don’t rent in order to financially benefit owners who do.
Your comment is?

Board Meeting March 23, 2011

President Montalvo spoke on Village insurance deductibles which are now $50,000 per lawsuit and indicated our Village has spent $150,000 in lawsuit deductibles so far this year. This has already exceeded what was budgeted for 2011. He expressed the Board’s need to work smarter than the previous one in solving problems before they get out of hand and become a litigation issue.
President Montalvo tried to put to rest the cost concerns many owners fear from initiating this new Election Confirmation Committee having everyone’s favorites Reta Priest and Catherine Demalade as members. President Montalvo did say anyone who wishes to contest future elections must put their money where their mouth is with providing the Village a retainer to cover any cost.
Rick Horner (GM) said there were 88 work orders and 5 building permits. The late condo fees amounted to $25,124, a $37.091 improvement from the previous month. He’s still trying to resolve the ADP power surge that toasted three lift station pumps.
The Board approved Organizational Minutes and the treasurer’s report seemed to be the usual.
The Last Call band played last Saturday at the Rec. Hall and the 2011 pool wristbands will be available April 15th. President Montalvo asked when owners see any pool violations to please contact Security instead of trying to police it themselves and Vice President McBride asked for all owners to attend his Safety Meeting this Wednesday at 9am.
Treasurer Steffensen said her March 16th Cowan Lawsuit mediation resulted in the needing of additional discovery of pre-1985 sea cottage deeds.
Only one bid ($8,000) was able to be obtained to do three lift station relief valves and that was approved by the Board.
Dredging decisions were put on hold due to the recent dredging lawsuit, but the Board is getting the ball rolling at renewing their dredging permit.
A person disrupted the proceedings saying he had filed a lawsuit against the Board and about thirty other defendants. His additional comments were drowned out by the Board President’s calls of him being out of order. After that brief interruption the Board approved to keep the schedule the same as the previous year. There was an interesting comment expressed during the discussion of the schedule in that it was not necessary for owners to become involved with changing the Bylaws on director absenteeism or to add new policy to the Bylaws for director term limits.
After the Board approved Selba Campbell and Richard Lothe to the Bridge Board, Mr. Freeland’s son was also approved to take the place Mr. Freeland who was said to have a permanent Bridge Board position.
Election contesters Reta Priest and Catherine Demalade said no when asked to bear whatever costs this new Election Confirmation Committee might generate. Demalade said it is not just us who are questioning this election, but a lot of people and added she just wanted to represent those who might cause a lawsuit. Demalade finally said if she asked the Village attorney a question which caused a cost, she would pay for it, but then said she did not see a need for a lawyer to be present at Monday’s committee meeting. Reta Priest said if she had a legal question to asked, the answer won’t come from Ramona (the Village attorney).
In a nutshell, these two have a list of demands and our new Board seems to be going out of their way to accommodate them. We’ll see what this March 28th get together does to improve our Village.
There was a long discussion about the old building committee’s updates that spurred a new Building Committee to be approved along with another committee that would consistently update the Village website.
Pat Burke’s old protocol that said only the President may make contact the Village attorney has been changed. The new procedure is that all Board members may contact the attorney, but must let the President know of the contact, and owners may contact the Village atotorney upon Board approval.
Recreation Hall roof repair bids were Owen Roofing $59,640, TSMC $72,480+, and South Texas Roofing for $76,950 and will now be reviewed by the Board.
There was Executive Meeting called pertaining to this person who interrupted the meeting.

Your comment?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quorum Satisfied !!!!

It took a one hour recess to get the nine final registrations to satisfy the quorum for our Annual Meeting.
Richard Deitrick and Larry Demalade were nominated from the floor. Ironically Demalade's nominator*

was not eligible because that person, like the COOL gang group, had not registered. Poor Larry must wait another day.

Ed McBride
David Chapa
Patti Ann Sandberg
Richard Deitrick.

The 2011 Board of Directors will look like this
President-Eddie Montalvo
Vice-President-Ed McBride
Asst. V.P.-Bill Gagan
Secretary-Annita White
Asst.-Secretary-Richard Deitrick
Treasurer-Mary Steffensen
Asst. Treasurer-Patti Ann Sandberg
Director-Joe Guerra
Director-David Chapa


* Correction made


Saturday, March 5, 2011

No Quorum

Annual Meeting continues Saturday 12th

Annual Meeting opened with Gerry Schmidt nominated as chairman and announced they were about one hundred and forty registered voters short of having a quorum. I believe the credit must be given to the COOL GANG crowd. Through February they’ve contacted owners telling them their unfounded reasons on why not to vote. It may be their right to lobby against our Village from achieving a quorum, but costing our Village thousands in the process is not. There again when looking back on what they did to our Village in 2008, it seemed costing our Village money was never a concern. It is just hard to get your arms around their thinking for doing this. What do they gain? Practice maybe?

During the meeting’s one hour recess, a Mrs. Tate from the LMWD spoke on voting for the Bond Issue that had recently failed by just 72 votes. It’s being brought up again and if passed the bottom line is our tax rate stays the same and the Association avoids a 40% increase in water costs. An owner asked where a person could obtain an absentee ballot and Mrs. Tate said the answer will be forthwith on channel 18.

The Village auditor and GM gave their reports and the meeting resumed with no change in the registered numbers. Ramona Kantack Alcantara said the procedure would work like this; there will be a motion to adjourn until next Sat. at 10 am and no business can be conducted by members of the Board until a quorum is satisfied. Director Montalvo wanted it to be clear that we continue these meetings with Board members doing no business until we get a quorum and the election is satisfied. Once confirmed he asked if fellow Directors Pelletier and Gagan understood this.

An Owner was recognized by Chairman Schmidt asked if Vice President Pelletier is going to continue to ask owners not to vote. Chairman Schmidt ruled her out of order and Treasurer Steffensen immediately made the motion to adjourn the meeting until Saturday. Meeting was adjourned with quite a few disgruntled owners feeling a valid question was not answered. Ramona did answer a few more questions pertaining to next Saturday’s meeting.

Your comment


Friday, March 4, 2011

Regular Meeting 2/23/2011

(To Paraphrase)
Pres. Halbach quickly addressed the Pat Burke rumor of being hired as a “corporate representative”. He also threatened to take legal action against the Board member who leaked executive session info. An owner from the audience said he had firsthand knowledge of that leak saying you (President Halbach) announced Pat Burke was going to represent the Village during last week’s workshop.
President Halbach said Pat Burke’s two year involvement with the Cowen case gives her most knowledge and rapport. He pointed out that Ms. Burke has every right to be on the take since September. He posed, do you want Pat Burke who can best serve the interest of LIV or someone who knows little or nothing.
Owners expressed concern that this sets precedence for past and future Board members being used in such a manner can now ask for $50 an hour compensation. President Halbach said no and gave me the impression that Pat Burke had demanded the money while others have never asked. Dir. White asked Pres. Halbach why weren’t we made aware of these previous payouts to Pat Burke and was told you didn’t need to know since the attorney requested her involvement and the insurance company was paying for it.

Manager’s report had nothing unusual except fifty water leaks due to the big freeze.

Treasurer Report had nothing unusual. There was no P&L report.

Committee Reports had D&E announced their remaining activities, Golf announced all the cart paths should be completed soon, and Pool is going to buy some new pool furniture, install a new gazebo roof, and introduce the new colored wrist bands soon.

After the motion allowing Pat Burke be a Cowen lawsuit “expert witness”, discussions took place. Secretary Montalvo felt this was a mistake because in the past Pat Burke has cost our Village thousands and used the Smith lawsuit as one $15,000 example.
Secretary Steffensen said because the Cowen mediation starts next month it will be difficult to properly review the discovery data due to its volume. She then tried to compare Pat Burke’s $50 dollar an hour services to jury duty.
Dir. Guerra confessed that he along with his fellow Board members have failed to perform their duties at being involved in these lawsuits and said Our Village is paying for it now. Secretary Montalvo agreed and said this should never be allowed to happen again.
Pat Burke struted up to the podium and declared everything she did was in direct correlation to what the attorney had said and if you, referring to Secretary Montalvo would have been listening you would have heard that. She said the Board is setting the parameters with Mary (Steffensen) being the voice of the Board and I the person who has the information. She added she got involved in these lawsuits because nobody else did and implied she didn’t care one way or the other. Secretary Montalvo took issue with her statement and his following questions were shut down by President Halbach. After being told once again that all monies paid to Ms. Burke will be reimbursed by the insurance company, the Board passed their “expert witness” motion. Directors White and Montalvo voted against it.

The dredging survey is about two weeks from completion said Dir. Gagan, and may now include the boat dock/swing bridge area at no cost. Canal H was briefly discussed.

Dir. Pelletier made two motions, passage of $9,320 for Rubio Brothers patchwork of Village roads and Building code revisions. Both motions were approved.

After Treasurer Steffensen discussed the adjustments of the Major Improvement money, she said the Operating budget showed a positive bottom line of $12,329. She made motions to approve her 2011 Operating Budget and her Major Improvement budget. Both motions were passed.
Dir. Pelletier prepped the owners of a probable future assessment with saying that the Rec. Hall roof, Sundial road repair, and the Rec. Center/ Welcome Center Parking lot repavings are not part of the 2011 budget.

Treasurer Steffensen said last week there was a lot of discussion about the election packet forms and reminded everyone that in 2008 our Village attorney corrected what she found wrong in the election process.
I do recall the Village attorney having to be involved along with some outside entities that year due to the lawsuit Reta Priest and Leroy Mulch lawsuit filed against six members of our Board that resulted in costing our Village tens of thousands of dollars.
Treasurer Steffensen said subtle changes have been made towards the election process and forms since and made the motion to go back to the 2009 election process and forms, adding that any future changes are to be subject to Board approval.
When asked, Treasurer Steffensen could not recall what our attorney found wrong with the 2008 process and forms or even what may be actually wrong with what she called these current subtle changes. All Treas. Steffensen could say for sure was the proxy form was an issue in 2008.
It was revealed that the Board has never before been involved with election materials which brought some concerned towards Board members seeking their second term having additional control over the election process.
The Board did say the Village attorney will review every Board electoral revision done although that verbiage was not put in this motion that passed.

Director White said that certain owners were trying to kill the Annual Meeting quorum and asked for responsible owners to please register. She also announced there were problems with the lift stations and bids to correct them will be needed. Our GM said he’s on it.

President Halbach asked and received Board approval on giving a LMWD representative some talking points time for the bond issue at our Annual Meeting.
President Halbach also told owners the amendment file in 2005 to our Long Island Owners Association’s Declaration said if any part of Long Island is annexed, the LIOA would dissolved and the responsibility for the swing bridge would go to that entity who annexed. This amendment was nicknamed the poison pill and now that Port Isabel has sent our Village a letter wanting us to rescind it or face another lawsuit. Village attorney Garcia has said our Park has no leg to stand on but may be able to negotiate certain things.

Selba Campbell said there were two openings for the Bridge Board.

Secretary Montalvo announced that that he heard one of our sitting Board members has been asking owners not to vote in order to stop our Village from having a quorum. Secretary Montalve wanted to remind him and the audience that could lead to substantial costs for the Village.

Secretary Montalvo said that since being appointed Secretary, copies of the corporate books, all records, and papers except those kept by the Treasurer, were required for me to have. He said I’ve been given nothing on the pending lawsuits to review. He said in the past that Pat Burke had a directive that all litigation emails were to stay with her and Board members would have to make arrangements to come to her residence to read them. Acting surprised Treasurer Steffensen said to her knowledge a copy of every email goes to the office and was always available. President Halbach said he will make sure this information will be made available.

Security answered some fire extinguisher questions.

You Comment


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Village Rental Story

With this influx of Rental Office conversation, one might want to chew on this.

Ten years ago April 2000 Minutes show the Board wanting a new Rental policy because renting owners were taking advantage of the Association with putting in/taking out their lots at any given time regardless of having signed a Rental Office contract agreement.

Sound familiar? It should because our Board passed a policy last October to correct this decade old problem.

We see that owners in 2000 were questioning the need of keeping the Rental office open and debated using the below talking points.

May 24 2000 minutes
A coordinated exposure to ORA (Outdoor Resort Association)
Future owners started as renters
New owners will upgrade when they buy and this will increase property values
Rental office rentals give more control
Less disruption in quality of our life
Year to date we are in the black and will not be a cost to us
In the future when no rental available, turn the building (Welcome Center) into a restaurant and make money

It is the individual’s right to rent
Fights and headaches of handling the rentals would cease
Charge a registration fee for those entering the park and make money that way
It would decrease expenses in maintenance, office, staff, etc.

Mr. Zylman’s view was accepted because the Rental department was operating in the black and the assurance that if this ever changed the Rental Office would close..

When it was discovered the Rental Office had suffered back to back losses in 2004-05, owners pushed the 2006 Board to form a committee for an in depth Rental study. A Committee majority concluded the downward trend in participation in the rental pool by owners combined with the upward trend in costs, i.e. insurance rate and tax increases, equaled a poor long term economic prospect for the rental pool and this majority recommended that our Rental program be eliminated.
Committee members Ms. Burke and Mr. DeMalade disagreed and gained support from four Board members to keep the Rental Office open.

Ms. Burke later gave owners a report which asked the question, would you whether lose $29,671 each year having an open Rental office or a closed one that loses $70,926 each year from ongoing expenses. One might note that Directors Pelletier, Guerra, Martin, and Halbach were along side Ms. Burke on this 2006 Board.

These actions not only showed it was expected but downright acceptable for our Rental Office to lose between twenty to thirty thousand dollars each year and acknowledged that owners may now ignore Article VII of the Declaration of Covenants with impunity. 

In the beginning our Rental Office was approved to be a self-fulfilling profit center and not a monetary burden upon our Membership.

One must ask why a Director would close their eyes to those who disobey our Declaration of Covenants costing our Village thousands while chastising others who disobey a simple building code costing our Membership zilch.

Why don’t we have a rule like other Associations saying owner amenity rights are forfeited while renters use their privileges?

How is it we supposedly have $70,000+ worth of ongoing departmental expenses if the Rental Office is removed? Are these just penciled in expenses associated with other office expenditures?

Your comment


Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 26, 2011 Board Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call
All present

Owners Speaking.
Liz Deitrick reminded everyone of the cut off date on accepting Director Applications.

President’s Remarks-Halbach.
Pres. Halbach clarified that renters may attend but not participate in LIV meetings. He also said the Red Head Express show was one of the best.

Manager’s Report-Horner/Zamora
GM Horner said there were 73 work orders 9 pending, 7 building permits, condo fee total arrears were $62,215. Marquee lights are working and the homeowners insurance rating has been lowered to its previous level.

Director’s Comments

Approval of December’s Minutes
Motion approved

Treasurer’s Report-Steffensen
The P&L had the Village Grill, golf course, rental office, laundry revenue areas were in the red and the newsletter had an increase due to the "Lots for sale" advertisements.
Finance Committee scaled down the Major Improvement Budget from $369,000 to $135,000. Operating budget is next.

Committee Reports
There will be the Sock hop this Saturday, Bernie and Red will perform next Tuesday, Sheldon Tucker next Saturday, Leslie on February 7th, and Valentines party on February 12th.
Breakaway Tours did a sales pitch.
Golf –Pelletier
Cart paths are finished and the raffled off golf cart was won by Barb Darby.
Nothing to report

Unfinished Business
Road Repairs-Pelletier
Dir. Pelletier said the roads are in good shape. $9320 will finish off the rest of the road patchwork and does not include Sun Dial Circle which followed with considerable discussion.
Welcome Center needs half the Parking lot overlaid. The Rec. Hall parking lot needs a complete do over. Dir. Pelletier received four bids from $18,500 to $236,403f for the Rec. Hall roof. An idea to have a rain recycle tank was brought up. Dir. Guerra showed concerned about an phone cable installation company cutting through the street without permission.
Rule Book-Pelletier
Revisions to be approved were Unit’s front parking area, measurement spot for measuring the roof height, minimum and maximum floor heights, total masonry construction to homes, dock extension wording, boat lift requirements, and the 3’ from the road rule to which he was criticized by Dir. Montalvo for singling out a builder to whom he had a confrontation with.
Dredging Survey Bids-Gagan
Dir. Gagan received four lower bids than the CRA survey. Dir. Montalvo said he believes if we do any survey it will open up a can of worms that will be used against our Village. He said we know we have a few trouble spots, why not use the survey money and focus on them. The response was the survey is information for the owners. When Dir. Gagan said they were going to survey the intercoastal but not canal H, it drew the attention of owner SC 48 who asked why not both? A good answer fell short but during the discussion the Board showed that they did not know the answer to dredging canal H owned by Mr. Cowan who who is currently suing our Village. Dir. Gagan asked ex-President Pat Burke and she said she had nothing to do with it, but still gave a lengthy opinion. This ended with having next Friday as the date the Board will vote for a survey and have the survey done and dredging bids soon enough to send with the Owner’s Packets.
The owner from SC 121 claimed that at one time the Village owned canal H because she would have not bought her place otherwise.

New Business
ICW Petition-Halbach
Motion was  passed to have in the Owner’s packets a letter to petition the newly elected Congressman to react to our intercoastal problems.
Port Isabel Shrimp Boil-Halbach
Motion was approved to have the Shrimp Boil event from 3-5pm on Feb. 21.
Winter Texan TV-Halbach
Motion was approve to have this program on channel 19.
Allied Waste Bid-Horner
Motion was approved to replace Red River with Allied Waste at an estimated savings of $23,382 annually.
A motion was approved to join the Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Texas Recreational Vehicles Association for $250 annually.
Motion passed to send a proposal letter to the city of Port Isabel/SPI to request the WAVE to route stopping at our swing bridge. She wanted the Board to approve a motion for a way to avoid the fees charged by the banks for cashing Canadian checks used to pay condo fees. Motioned passed but I’m not sure for what way exactly.
Dir. Montalvo wanted to remind the Board that a yes or no vote will be in the Owner’s Packets for revisions on Director Absenteeism and term limits. It will be reviewed these revions at the Special Friday meeting.

Adjournment to an Executive Meeting over pending litigation

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 19, 2011 Coffee W/Directors

Pledge of Allegiance

VP Pelletier announced that today was Dir. White’s birthday.

From The Suggestion Box
Lot 249 asked if the Board has looked into LIV’s homeowner’s insurance ratingwhich is at the worst level available. It appears the reason for this level is over having no agreement for fire services between Port Isabel and LIV. The GM is trying to change that.

Lot 573 had a problem with people using the Park’s laundry to clean their pet’s blankets, which leaves hair.

Lot 668 asked to fix the Wi-Fi.

Lot 345 questioned procedures of special events taking the place of weekly events. VP Pelletier said policy states special events supersede weekly events.

Lot 301 said the street light are out again on Sea Shell and also asked when the Marquee lights are going to be functioning. GM said probably by next week on the marquee lights.

Lot 601 suggested to our Board to contact the people in Port Isabel who will be dredging the fingers this year to see if we could possibly coordinate our efforts with theirs.

Lot? Expressed a problem with a man he called Mr. Olive Oil.

Directors Speaking

Pres. Halbach said the Board has contacted Mr. Olive Oil’s landlord and if someone in the future has a problem with this renter, please contact the Board.

Dir. Gagan said he currently has four dredging survey bids with two more companies to contact.

Dir. White announced they will have Keith Allen and Diane Lynn tonight, Chicken Night 4-6, and that the Board needs to review procedures for those who may not be able to afford future assessments.

GM Rick Horner said starting tonight there will no longer be Chicken Night tickets sold at the door.

Dir. Pelletier said he had three bids for the Rec. Hall roof/wall repair.

From the Audience

Lot? Praised the current management but has a problem with how people stack the garbage to high in the trash bin. He also had a problem with the garbage trucks leaking garbage liquids on the streets. He praised the Board for obeying the wishes of the owners not to dredge.

Lot 288 announced Election Committee information.

Lot D and 558 spoke at length their problems with the Olive Oil man.

Lot 806 wanted to correct the chain of events expressed at the Special Meeting last week when the Board said the meeting was caused by emails they received, when in it was Tom Bergsma who called the meeting due to a CRA three week time frame. She asked what this time frame was then said the chain of events was as follows, Tom Bergsma called the meeting, it was posted on the Marquee, the Village Voice came out, and then the emails. The Board said it was the emails received due to the Village Voice. She went on to say we can’t be bad mouthing people just because we don’t agree or change the chain of events. She pointed out the Board has to be held to a higher standard. She said she got upset when Bud Sherry said “up yours” to a Board member and such a thing should never be tolerated. Upon her exit Bud Sherry stormed up to the stage and said well done Pat but you didn’t say a word about the Director who treated me like a kindergartener when she put a finger up to their lips to indicate, don’t say anything Bud.

VP Pelletier said he would take some responsibility for calling last week’s Special Meeting. He said in December’s meeting he called for a Special Meeting in early January if the Board was going to do the survey. This was to give enough time to receive the survey results that CRA said takes three weeks. He said this survey was approved in April and priced to the Board at $15,000. VP Pelletier continue saying as we began to figure out things here in the fall, we learned that price was not an accurate amount because there were a lot of add-ons, therefore it was not a good proposal.
He then began to rambled about three weeks it takes CRA to put together this survey was the reason why he called the meeting, all in order to provide figures to the owners. He said we had no intentions from day one of taking the responsibility of this vote away from you. It will be available at the Annual Meeting however we do not have a survey.
He said he actually never considered we needed three survey bids because he thought the survey was already voted on. VP Pelletier said he was open one way or another on dredging. The Special meeting was called to get you the pricing and not to take the responsibility of the vote away from you. OK

Lot 288 speaking to the Board said if you will recall from the April meeting that the motion said up to $15,000 for the pre survey, $10,000 follow up survey, without assigning it to anyone, and Bill Gagan and Mary Steffensen was to be part of a committee with Tom Bergsma. She said the survey was to take place after the hurricane season, so we had from April until now and we are just now getting some bids, I don’t understand unless the process failed somewhere.

VP Pelletier read the minutes and his motion states that LIV to proceed with the survey to better inform owners of the need to dredge. He said the motion was made for the $15,000 and to start in September. He said there was nothing about the $25,000. Owner from 288 said there was a dredging committee discussed at that meeting. Director Gagan said all he knew about a committee was from a month ago when VP Pelletier asked me to check for more survey bids.

Lot 744 wanted to assure all those who may wish to run for the Board, now is the time because this Board has been very cooperative to owners and is not as bad as past ones.


Dir. White said the expertise forms will be available next Wednesday for future candidates and committee people to fill out. She expressed some future social events and their costs.

Pres. Halbach asked the Board f it wants to approve a Winter Texan cable channel at no cost. They said yes and it will be on channel 19. He then wanted to know if the Board wants to hold a Port Isabel shrimp boil event for about 300 people. Since most who will attend will be LIV people and a flexible date, the board said yes. He talked about a petition being put in the owner’s packet to sign for addressing Congress on our intercoastal needs.

The GM said he is looking at two new proposals for trash pickup. He is not happy with the current Red Ryder service.

VP Pelletier said the Building Committee began to revise the Building Rules Book in December and started to explain the changes until the Directors told him they needed the whole revised copy in hand instead of just its changes. VP Pelletier continued saying there are major changes in this like all masonry homes and larger mandatory parking spaces. The Directors told him to bring this up when he’s better prepared.

VP Pelletier brought up the lot 217 light posts issue and passed out photos to Directors. He said the posts are 12 inches from the road; foundation with rebar, concrete block, and a poured cap that’s permanent. He said the Building Committee said this could be a hazard and gave examples. Dir. Guerra said last week he was told these could be pushed over and were not two feet deep with rebar. VP Pelletier revised his earlier insinuation with saying now that he did not know for sure the depth but they are permanent structures. Dir. Guerra stated if that’s the case they should not be allowed. Dir. White said then we need to go around the Park and say that to all having things similar. VP Pelletier stayed adamant with saying that Park Models will incur major problems when moved because of this. There was disagreement among the ranks.

VP Pelletier changed the subject and said the roads are in good shape but the parking lot needs a total redo. He found a new expensive material that he used 25 years ago (go figure) for the roads. He said Sun Dial needs to be totally overlaid from end to end due to the previous contractor’s patchwork; patchwork he said was never paid for. He also said that street is an embarrassment but the good news is that all other remaining patch work will only cost the Park $9320.
